
Well Known Member
For you guys with the GRT HX EFIS/Garmin 430W/TruTrak Digi II VSGV combination, I have a question.
When doing a (vectors to final) gps approach, how do you set up the autopilot to fly the (ATC assigned)vectors while coupled? The only way I could do it was to switch out of GNAV and select HDG mode and then switch back once close to/at the final app course.
I did a little testing and the 430W will intercept the final course on its own(you just can't pick your own ATC assigned course), just be sure you are on the proper end of the runway or it will try to intercept the final course and fly away from the airport.

Any thoughts?
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I think what you are doing is correct, I have what you have except mine is the grt EFIS HS. you leave the AP in gpss and gpsv and arm the ils/loc on the EFIS when you are cleared to land and on the intercept vector then switch from heading to GNAV and your 430w should go to vloc if you selected vectors to final and have the correct vloc freq in the nav
I have not done this with GPS but ILS but would suspect it will work. Here is what to try:
- Set your EIFS to heading mode and GPSS on A/P, thus controlling the heading by the EIFS.
- When close to Final, arm the EIFS (I think it is GPSV, first option)
- Once the final has been intercepted and you get an active needle, the EIFS will automatically change from heading mode to ENAV mode and center itself on the path and follow the final.
With this you don’t have to do anything but control the speed with throttle and perhaps flaps. If it is a LPV or LNAV+V, then your EIFS+A/P will follow the glideslope once you have intercepted the glideslope and the needle is center.

This method works like a charm with an ILS approach, I see no reason why it shouldn’t with a GPS.
I spoke with Carlos and he clarified how it works.
You select vectors-to-final on the Garmin 430 for a gps approach. You select HDG mode for the lat a/p and arm the GPSV. You then steer around as directed by ATC, when you intercept the leg of the approach before the FAF the GRT will automatically switch the lat a/p to GNAV and the rest is as normal.

So that's great! I was manually switching from HDG to GNAV when I got close to the approach leg. I guess I never got close enough to where it switched to GNAV on its own.

Hope this helps someone out there!