
Good day guys

This topic has probably been discussed to bits. So please just point me in the right direction. I'm not too bright when it comes to these kind of stuff so bare with me:eek:

I have a friend in Colorado. The other day he mentioned something about claiming VAT/Sales Tax when buying a kit from Vans. He said that the kit you buy is incl/VAT and that you can claim back the VAT IF you can prove you want to buy the kit for your business and that you want to use the finished aircraft to commute between job sites

Is this true??
Hmmm, not sure what you friend is talking about. The US does not have a VAT so there would be nothing to claim back. Also, Oregon does not have a state sales tax, so nothing to claim back.

Some states require you to pay tax on the value of the kit and the airplane when completed, but it varies state to state.

If your question is "can I get money back from the kit price in the form of tax back when purchased outside the US", the answer is no.