
Active Member
I've been scratching my head for some time regarding some pretty nasty vapor lock problems I have had with my RV7 :eek:. My fuel flow transducer is a floscan 231 (from a previous Blue Mountain Avionics setup.....ARGHHH!!) floor mounted about 5 inches after the electrical fuel pump. Engine is a IO-360 B1B with dual Pmag. Could my transducer be the culprit? When reading about them I see all sorts of references to pressure drop and bubble creation. Would changing my 231 for a FT-60 Red Cube help any?
Comment and suggestions would be appreciated.
I too have the red cube. And had difficulties starting with a warm engine.
I bit the bullet and put on a slick start which is not an option for you since you dont gave mags and never have had another problem cold or hot

That being said. Timing will make starting more difficult.
An airleak in an intake tube and in my case a defective snuffle valve can cause you all kinds in headaches if it does not close

There are more folks more in tune with Pmags than I am.
My fuel flow transducer is a floscan 231 floor mounted about 5 inches after the electrical fuel pump.

Is this problem during flight or on restart after a flight?

Floor mounted inside the cabin?

And on the pressure side of the pump? Is this electric pump a boost pump or your only pump?

Vapor lock is usually due to heat or suction issues. If you do have an engine driven fuel pump, then it is sucking fuel through the xducer-? This is not the best way to do things.

If the electric is your only pump like is some installations, then it could be your problem, but not where I would start looking.
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I would suggest relocating the FF xdr to between the servo and divider, sucking thru the floscan is not really a good idea and creates a situation conducive to vapor locking (hot fuel and low pump inlet pressure).