
Well Known Member

I have been around since Dougs first offering, December 6, 1996.
My first RV6, first flight was October 16, 1996. I had met Doug by then. He was friends of one of the pioneers of RVs in Texas,,,and I also new that guy. Dave Spears. I still think of my self as a late comer. The BC Squadron had been flying 2 years when I joined them.
Doug has helped all of us get together with this web site. There are not enough thank- you's to do Doug justice.

Please support this web site.
Merry Christmas to all!

Thank you Doug Reeves
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My 8A now has >500 wonderful hours. She would/could not have been built (by me) without the support of three great mentors, Vans tech support, and most importantly, VAF. Although exempt, I support - and encourage you to do the same - with generous annual contribution.

I think this is an appropriate time to thank you for all the time you spent with me on the phone when I was trying to decide build or buy an RV-8. It's folks like you on that make this site so great. I big thank you!

After seeing the deficit I gladly sent mine and enough for two others who can't seem to afford to contribute.

Won't you, please join us in support of DR and family so they can keep VAF operational for years to come.
I agree

$25, really? The value I get from VAF, even after 2 years of being in the air, greatly exceeds that paltry number. Come on people! Give it up!


I also get sooooooo much out of this site. It is the only site I log into on a daily basis (and sometimes even more often than that).. I would not be building an RV or President of my local EAA Chapter without this community of people. My first year at Airventure, I happened to be wearing a VAF hat. Doug Reeves made a point to come over and introduce himself to me and thank me for my support. What a generous guy. We are all blessed to have him, in particular, be the "guy behind the curtain." There are no other places like this, anywhere on the web. Civil, supportive and cheap. $25 is a heck of a deal!
For the next guy as well as Doug Reeves

Hi all,

Personally, I could've NEVER finished my 7A without the expertise found on VAF. I'm a nurse for heavens sake! This site is like a huge manual full of technical info and expertise that most folks.... most ALL folks simply aren't born with. $25, that's a bargain but more honestly... it's a steal! A quick comparison here... In the early stages of my build I bought a couple of books/video tapes etc. After paying for each plus shipping, Each one easily approached $25. And that's with no updates or new and different information. On VAF for $25 you get all the technical expertise and experience from many experts, (and layman like myself!). The site is updated with new information/post/reviews on a 24/7 basis. The users of VAF are the ones getting the best deal. I give to support the site for all the new builders following me, without any doubts, you'll be logging on here more often than you think.

I'm proud to support this small home grown american business!
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I'm also one of those that checks this site daily, sometimes a couple times daily, just to keep up with what is happening and my airplane is already completed. I just recently discovered the weather pages that Doug has on here and they are quite nice - it's well worth the price of donation and then some.

My C-note is in the mail early for 2017.
We also want to express our gratitude to Doug. Several years ago, he allowed a guy he never met, that was trying to get some word of mouth advertising, to do so on his site. Little did that guy know the distances that VAF goes. When you write something it is literally seen in all corners of planet Earth, and in some cases, above Earth. That one thought is mind boggling.

Thank you Doug and Merry Christmas!
Tom and Suzanne
Not to detract from donating, which of course we all MUST do, but....

Last year I paid in December and I'm not on the 2016 donation list.

I will happily pay on Jan 2nd so my 2017 contribution is accurately reflected.

FYI: Member since 2015, happily paying double :)
Last year I paid in December and I'm not on the 2016 donation list.
If you think that's bad, I pay with my wife's paypal, so her name is on the list! And her paypal has her maiden name! And she's never even visited VAF! It's just not fair! :D
Not building yet but see VA as an invaluable tool and Va was the deciding factor on building a vans aircraft. It seems like family.
I donated late this year and will gladly contlinue.
Check this site multiple times a day

as often as I can in the inevitable lulls when patients no-show, etc, etc. Wife refers to it as my airplane porn site. Guilty as charged! $5 a month, every month, easy-peasy and quite a bargain for the enjoyment and education I get. Wouldn't think of building again without this resource (and Matronics, too) -but here I am:)
Donation Button!

I just donated double the going rate! I think I should get a button! No really, there should be a small red button that lets everyone know who donates to this great site. I know some of us toot our own horns, maybe another way we could guilt those non-givers!!!!
I don't drink coffee so my morning boost comes via VAF. Doug's site has been a constant companion through the building years and the past ten years of flying my RV. A few months ago Doug showed up at North Texas Regional Airport while I was there competing in the IAC Aerobatic Championships. He knew I was there and flew up just to shake hands and wish me luck. Donating to his web site every year is a small price to pay for the information and entertainment provided here. His friendship is a priceless bonus.

Thanks Doug!
Just think "what would I do if this sight was not here":confused:

It's cheap fun.


is there a life membership area? ;)
Paid my dues today. $29.00 as I used a CC. Hope all the using members will kick in to this wonderful site representing our passion.
as often as I can in the inevitable lulls when patients no-show, etc, etc. Wife refers to it as my airplane porn site.

Ooh, I like that: Young UN-dimpled aluminum, waiting patiently to be drilled hard and reemed deep... Sorry, I get carried away! ;-)

I've been lurking hear for 10+ years. I don't post much since I'm not actually building a plane yet, but I love the discussions and content here.

I think the impact of this site for me has been pretty significant. Not too long after I started reading up on RVs, you guys convinced me that "if we can build a plane, so can you!"

Even though I haven't taken the tail kit plunge yet, that mindset has spilled over into a lot of areas of my life - auto repair, home remodeling, playing with some wood and metal projects. If I convinced myself I can build an airplane, surely I can build an end table!

I've picked up a lot of tools partly with the thought that "I'm going to need that to build an airplane," so I've already got the compressor, drill press, band saw, bench grinder, etc. Turns out those are all great to have around for general use.

I guess my point is that even for lurkers and folks who aren't building (yet), there's a lot of value here.
I also sent $75 to help cover some who didn't.I finally have air worthiness and limitations on 8 year RV4 powered by 2.5 Suby.Hope to post pictures after holidays !MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of VAF people..Tom

I tried to correct my spelling,,,, but did not get it quite right? In first post.

I wish all of you a Great Big Merry Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year!!!
Get them flying and be safe, always.

Thank you to the Reeves Family
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Instead of preaching-to-the-choir, self-aggrandizing posts, take the time to contact friends you know who lurk, and/or those to whom you've passed on tips and wisdom from VAF. Some may not even be aware of VAF. (.com redirects to .net, BTW.) Tell them to pay up.

One-on-one personal testimony (and shaming) is much more productive than an infomercial post.

John Siebold
Doug, I'm breaking your donation-post rule. Just once. Deal with it. ;)

Ok you aviation aficionados out there. Think of all the flying magazines you subscribe to. With the paper pubs, it's difficult to interact with the authors or ask questions. Sure you can offer your own advice, if an editor thinks it's worthwhile. You can't share your personal building and flying triumphs with distant friends before the RV grin even fades from your face. You can't vent your frustrations or get an answer to your own puzzling tech question in less time than it takes for your computer to boot up. You can't browse years of archives in just a few seconds to find that one build log picture or thread that explains everything you need to do to finish your task. You will read about people that others find interesting, but you won't interact with everyday people who could become your lifelong aviation friends!

Most of those magazines are $40 and up per year. But if you had a magazine that could do all those things, would you pay $25 for a subscription? OF COURSE YOU WOULD!!

I send in my subscription money every year on my birthday, but seeing these pathetic donation numbers, I just sent Doug a Christmas gift. Without this site, my plane would have been turned into beer cans after the tornado, but the information and people here gave me the confidence to tackle it. The classified ads alone are worth much more than $25/year. So if you like aviation and you enjoy this site, what's $25? A helluva deal!!
Special request note in DR's message

Sorry I didn't notice the request not to include funds for 2016 and 2017 together otherwise the taxman cometh and you take bigger hit from big brother. The some I sent is now considered all for 2016 and I will contribute in 2017 to this extremely important builders site that covers everything.
Happy holidays to all!!!
Boys an Girls!

Doug gives us a gift every day. Many of us have made life long friends on this web site. I know a lot of you because of Doug. And I feel I am friends with all!
My phone rings with all kinds of RV questions! Happy to help in any way I can.
I am so thankful for his contribution to aviation, and enriching my life.

All in all to everyone on here, thank you!
Merry Christmas to all!
Instead of preaching-to-the-choir, self-aggrandizing posts, take the time to contact friends you know who lurk, and/or those to whom you've passed on tips and wisdom from VAF. Some may not even be aware of VAF. (.com redirects to .net, BTW.) Tell them to pay up.

One-on-one personal testimony (and shaming) is much more productive than an infomercial post.

John Siebold

I don't know that many folks personally to contact but putting a "self aggrandizing" post helps to keep the topic front-and-center which is what I think Jay Pratt's purpose was in starting the thread, and mine in posting about my own renewal. Searches against almost any RV or even closely related topic usually point to VAF....

If my post - and others like it - motivate just a small percentage of lurkers then I'll take the criticism happily.
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Non RV too!

Even us non-RV guys see the benefit here, and appreciate allowing us to participate where it makes sense. After all, metal planes are metal planes, engines engines, avionics, paint etc.

Way more worth my x4 than any info source I currently subscribe to.

Thanks DR.