
Well Known Member
If I'm reading Van's wiring diagram correctly, all the radios seem to be connected to a 10 amp circuit breaker/switch that serves as the avionics master switch. How much stuff can you safely hook up to this circuit? Would you be able to connect a Garmin SL-30 Nav comm, a GTX-327 transponder and a GPS? Would it be maxed-out with this much equipment, or would you be able to add additional radios to this circuit in the future?

Thank you,

Two radios on one CB or fuse

You could put a second radio on that single circuit or fuse, but if you get a problem that causes the CB to trip or fuse to blow, you've lost both radios.
From examination of the Van's diagram I would assume it is just a starting point for a simple VFR aircraft. If you are going to put a lot more avionics in I would suggest you add a few more circuits, including fuses. This might include drilling a few more switch holes in the panel but that shouldn't be too difficult. cl
Yes, it's just a guideline. Personally, I have radios on different circuits. Just use that as a template, and then size your breakers to the wire that the current will carry. If the radio says that it needs a 5 amp breaker, then size the wire accordingly, and put each item on it's own breaker whenever possible. Sometimes you may have to tie more than one thing to a breaker, which is ok, as long as you know that if that breaker trips you lose both items.