
Well Known Member
Has anyone installed Van's recent release? Having read the "Read Me" file I am wondering the value of going through the effort since I have a base Skyview single panel with A/P, and GPS-250. No add-on panels installed. It looks like there are a lot of special inputs necessary to set up txpdr and other features. Going to SV13.X.X required a lot of sub-menu inputs to get right.

Thanks for any insight you can add from your experience.
If you intend to get Dynon's/Van's 2020 GPS/WH-000129 for ADS-B IN and OUT in compliance with the FAA 2020 mandate I think you will need SV14.1. The GPS2020/WH-000129 replaces the GPS 250....for $585.00.
The XPNDR 261 that most have in their RV12s is already 2020 compliant.

SV 14.2.1

Has anyone installed Van's recent release? Having read the "Read Me" file I am wondering the value of going through the effort since I have a base Skyview single panel with A/P, and GPS-250. No add-on panels installed. It looks like there are a lot of special inputs necessary to set up txpdr and other features. Going to SV13.X.X required a lot of sub-menu inputs to get right.

Thanks for any insight you can add from your experience.

I installed 14.2.1. Prior to this install I was getting many "ghost" traffic alerts which I believe were reflecting me on the screen. Since the new install I've not had these "ghosts" alerts. Granted it's only been a couple of hours on the Hobbs, but so far so good. I also like the glide ring.
I installed the 14.2.1 direct from Dynon when it first came out. The one additional step is to update the 261 xponder, which is a piece of cake. Like Lane said in the previous post, I have not noticed any ghost traffic since installing the update. Working great!!
I think its better to install Dynon firmware from Vans after they've vetted it for the RV-12. So many that downloaded the first few versions seemed to have problems with bugs and other issues.

That said I find the README instructions somewhat convoluted.

it would be much better if Vans were to separate it out so that one section is for new builders setting up their Skyview system and other components for the first time and the other for those that are simply upgrading to the newest firmware.

Having read thought the instructions for SV 14.2 most of it doesn't apply to my airplane other than changing the transponder setting which is done via the upgrade itself. As EBB said, unless you're also installing the 2020 GPS which does require the SV 14.2, there isn't a whole lot to change. I'm going to wait a little long to install the 2020 GPS.

About to install 14.2 and looking forward to getting rid of the ghost alerts on my own plane also!
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Conflicting Instructions between Van's and Dynon

I have come across conflicting instructions regarding the upload process for updates/firmware for the Skyview. Van's specifically states in the README to remove ALL USB devices INCLUDING WIFI, prior to the 14.2.1 install. I just confirmed with Dynon (See Forum, Skyview General Discussion, ...data not uploading) and they are clear that the wifi and/or video DO NOT need to be removed for any uploading.

Has anyone installed 14.2.1 with a wifi dongle securely in place?
Try it and see what happens!

The instructions from Van's are based on a very conservative approach.

We have seen updates fail because of a sectional chart USB drive inserted into one of the back panel USB ports while the USB drive containing the update is installed in a remote USB port (I don't think the Dynon documentation warns anything against this), so the conservative approach was to say remove everything.
There are two USB ports on the SV: One in the back and one no the bottom. In most RV12s only the bottom one is easily available. If there is only one available that is the one needed to upload SV 14 into the SV system.....in other words you have to take out the Dynon WiFi dongle to use that port. But in any case it would not seem to be a problem to remove the WiFi to complete the uploading of SV14 unless you have installed it in the rear USB port and thus made it hard to reach.


How did your SV 14.2.1 install go along with the 2020 GPS? Hope you have everything up and running ok now!
Top Cat:

I got the GPS 2020 in the mail yesterday so I will install it today. The drawings and instructions are very clear and complete so I don't foresee any trouble.

I uploaded SV 14.1 last week and that was a piece of cake too....but I'll have to go back into that for the BPS 2020 ADS-B 1470 presets once the antenna is installed.

Have you installed this stuff?

As Scott suggests, I'll try and see what happens. I have the wifi plugged into the back and use the external for charts and updating. Dynon is clear that any data USB must be removed prior.
... Has anyone installed 14.2.1 with a wifi dongle securely in place? ...

I've installed 14.2.1 with GPS 2020 and WiFi dongle installed with no problem but I used the 14.2.1 from Dynon, not Van's. Don't know if that would make a difference or not.
Page 2-2 of the Pilot's Guide:

Note that only one USB flash drive memory stick can be connected to a SkyView display at a time. However, the Video Input and Wi-Fi Adapters can be plugged in simultaneously and at the same time as a USB flash drive.

You do not need to unplug Wi-Fi or Video. The only issue is two "memory sticks" since SkyView has no way to tell it which one you want it to use, so it just chooses the first one it finds, which leads to lots of confusion. The system doesn't try and access files on the Wi-Fi or video devices so having those plugged in isn't an issue.
Top Cat:

I got the GPS 2020 in the mail yesterday so I will install it today. The drawings and instructions are very clear and complete so I don't foresee any trouble.

I uploaded SV 14.1 last week and that was a piece of cake too....but I'll have to go back into that for the BPS 2020 ADS-B 1470 presets once the antenna is installed.

Have you installed this stuff?


Not yet. Going to install SV 14.2.1 next time I'm at hanger and will contemplate the 2020GPS kit from Vans after that.

I just upgraded all software that I downloaded from Van's...all is looking good with one exception... my trim does not show up on PFD... now what?? The trim is working o.k.... albeit a little slow...
I installed 14.2 from Dynon yesterday and it seems to work fine except it cannot find any of the Seattle Avionics sectional charts I have also on the same USB sticks...always worked in the past.

I'll try a clean format and install of the USB sticks using SA data manager and see if that fixes the problem.

Had one ghosting traffic alert incident I think was me dropping down hard out of 10500 on the other side of the PHX TRSA :)eek:)
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Did you manually update the transponder? You'll still get ghosts until you do that.

Also, did you leave the update stick plugged in? That will block the SA charts from showing. You shouldn't need to update your SA sticks for them to work on 14.2.
Did you manually update the transponder? You'll still get ghosts until you do that.

Also, did you leave the update stick plugged in? That will block the SA charts from showing. You shouldn't need to update your SA sticks for them to work on 14.2.

Yes, I did the update and everything reset and the charts were not showing - no I did not unplug the sticks, but I had the update file on the same stick as the charts...so you are saying I can plug the USB sticks back in before the next startup and they should read fine?

I usually leave the the updates for Dynon on the SA formatted discs and when the update is finished, they seem to find the charts.

No I did not update the transponder but will (I did previously update on 14.1)
Page 2-2 of the Pilot's Guide:

You do not need to unplug Wi-Fi or Video. The only issue is two "memory sticks" since SkyView has no way to tell it which one you want it to use, so it just chooses the first one it finds, which leads to lots of confusion. The system doesn't try and access files on the Wi-Fi or video devices so having those plugged in isn't an issue.

So I have 2 touches and left both wifi dongles attached in the back, and both USB sticks with updates in when I did the update (Dynon not Vans), but other than the Sea Av charts, everything seems to be working ok. Should i be worried?
Not yet. Going to install SV 14.2.1 next time I'm at hanger and will contemplate the 2020GPS kit from Vans after that.

Installed the SV 14.2.1 Vans version today and all went fine. Updated transponder and went to fly. ADSB OK is back!! Yea!
trim indication

Yes I know it not shown in PFD... it is in EMS... so you did not answer question only tried to show my stupidy...
Sorry. Details like that matter when you're trying to troubleshoot something via a forum. The D180 does show trim on the PFD, so its not unreasonable to wonder if you meant that.

Does the RV-12 show trim in the EMS page from the factory, or is it something you added? Is it not shown at all, or is it red-X? Is it only not shown on some screen sizes?
trim indicator

The trim does not show up in the EMS section of Skyeview Touch... the place where it should show up is there, it just does not show up when changing trim up or down...sorry for criptic comment:confused:
What if he had loaded the new software without turning on the master switch. Could he lose important functions?? I know that the instructions make it clear that ALL switches should be on, such as avionics master, auto pilot, com radios, etc. Never tried it but................

RV-12: Lost Dynon Trim Indicator

I just upgraded all software that I downloaded from Van's...all is looking good with one exception... my trim does not show up on PFD... now what?? The trim is working o.k.... albeit a little slow...

My trim indicator hasn't worked on my Dynon in my SLSA RV-12 since we upgraded the software last fall. Have other owners experienced this problem?
Skyview Update advice please

Evening all

I downloaded the latest Skyview 1000 updates from the Vans site as well as the map updates from the Dynon site last week onto my USB stick and then uploaded them into the aircraft. The Skyview setup screen screen accepted them inc the European base map update as well as the large terrain map update (This took about 30 mins). None of the files seem to have 'taken'. For example, the Map still says that it expired in 2013 and the map details in the set up menu has dates of 2013 & 2014 on it.

Once downloading off the memory stick am I supposed to do anything to activate the downloaded files?

Am I supposed to delete any files in readiness for the new files to be uploaded?

