
Well Known Member
During each year's conditional inspection, I look at each service bulletin that Van posts and note, in my aircraft logbook, if I comply with or do not need to comply with it. For this service bulletin what are people doing since this is recommended before next flight? I am tempted to make a logbook entry today that just states my tanks do not have slosh in them and therefore do not need to do anything further before next flight. Is a logbook entry needed?
Is a logbook entry needed?

Technically, no (according to the FAR'). The only thing that you NEED to log is the annual condition inspection statement required by your Ops Lims. I'm not saying that it isn't (or is) a good idea to log more, just addressing the legal requirements as I understand them.
Paul is right. Service bulletins are not mandatory. Even manufacturers "Mandatory Service Bulletins" are not mandatory unless stated so in your Operations Manual. You won't have one of those unless you're part 135 or similar.
I plan on entering the following: "SB # followed by N/A,"tanks not sloshed" and sign it along with my repairman's certificate #". My records will show that I am aware of the SB and have determined that no action, and why, need be taken. Dan
Technically, no (according to the FAR'). The only thing that you NEED to log is the annual condition inspection statement required by your Ops Lims. I'm not saying that it isn't (or is) a good idea to log more, just addressing the legal requirements as I understand them.

Don't forget the "annual" inspection of the ELT per 91.207.
Buyer's Perspective

Since we fit in the repeat offender category and are going to have to sell airplanes along the way to feed the habit, I'm thinking about it from a buyer's perspective. If I am an informed buyer, I've undoubtedly researched any service bulletins issued by the manufacturer and would want to know if they've been addressed. As the seller, it'll be easier to remember what we did to what airplane if it's in the log book. Just our choice.
I plan on entering the following: "SB # followed by N/A,"tanks not sloshed" and sign it along with my repairman's certificate #". My records will show that I am aware of the SB and have determined that no action, and why, need be taken. Dan
Exactly what I was going to record. I think of the logbook as a records and not just what is required. It may bite me sometime legally but I think the pros of good record keeping out way the possible issues.
As the seller, it'll be easier to remember what we did to what airplane if it's in the log book. Just our choice.
I hope I never sell my RV but my thoughts of good records is in order to help sell it if I have to.