
This caught my eye as I was looking through the RV-14 parts list in Section 4 page 3. I had to chuckle that "Lot$ of Money" was listed under the column heading of "Make From Material" :)

EA XIO-390-A3B6 RT
Lot$ of money
There are several funny quotes in the -14 plans. That's about right though.....made from 35,500 dollar bills.:D
On my RV-6 plans I like the one in the wheel fairing section that states to take your time and get it right and you will have a nice finished product and that you will be glad that the rest of the airplane is not fiberglass.
My favorite, from the pictorial section on gear fairings and wheelpants:

"Bottom left: the hardened slurry is sanded to a smooth surface.
After the usual filling and sanding, the landing gear fairings are
painted and begin a hard, hard life."
These little nuggets are sprinkled throughout the construction manual. The most recent one I recall was from the instructions on opening up the forward longeron angles. It was something along the lines of "Place the open side of the angle on a hard flat surface and strike the vertex with a hammer. If you can't get the angle to change, get a bigger hammer."
I like the boxes that state "High Dollar Aircraft Parts"
Not exactly the best english but it gets the point across.

This one produced one of those "interesting" marriage moments when my wife pulled into the garage and saw that box lid on my work table. It took quite a while before things resumed near-normal status.
Van doesn't do dating advice

In the RV-14 plans (17-09, step 10) for installing the wing lens, the plans state:

Someone with small hands works well here. Tips for acquiring spouses or
children for this purpose are not covered within the scope of these documents.
"Tips for acquiring spouses or children for this purpose are not covered within the scope of these documents."

That is an especially good one.... :)
Somewhere in the -7 forward fuselage- "The guy who designed it swears it can be done.":rolleyes:
Humorous tool

As I recall, there was an RV-12 instruction to use a "Metric Crescent Wrench".
Caused a bit of discussion.

Somewhere in the later kits, probably the canopy fiberglass, there were instructions to stop and enjoy an adult beverage of your liking and resume work later. Not the exact wording but you get the drift. Dave, what is status of your build and what is the scoop on Moontown. I have friends close by I'd like to visit when out of phase 1.
As I recall, there was an RV-12 instruction to use a "Metric Crescent Wrench".

It's also in the -10 instructions somewhere in Section 29, along with a reference to a "Sweaty Grunting Human" not being depicted for clarity. The humor is very welcome at a time when you really are neck-deep in a not-so-fun-part of the plans :D
Moontown - 3M5

Somewhere in the later kits, probably the canopy fiberglass, there were instructions to stop and enjoy an adult beverage of your liking and resume work later. Not the exact wording but you get the drift. Dave, what is status of your build and what is the scoop on Moontown. I have friends close by I'd like to visit when out of phase 1.

Hey DB,
I finishing up loose ends and minor mods today, and arranging to borrow a large trailer. Hoping to move out to the airport this weekend. Come over anytime, the 3rd Saturday mornings are especially good for breakfast and visitors from all over. Send a PM and I'll arrange to be there when you visit.
Clear Skies,

Thanks, Dave . I'll be in contact when the time comes, might be in October, working out of the country now. I've got a nice trailer I'd loan you but it's 3 1/2 hours away from you and I'm 9 1/2 hr away from home.:( Us -12 guys got to stick together.
One of my favorite lines was the observation that it was rumored that Lycoming once made two identical engines, but it has never been proven. Something to that effect. I don't have my builders manual handy.