
Well Known Member
I'm looking for feed back on Van's steel hardware seat belts. I'm building a -9A and only want 4 point harness. I have looked at a set of Van's $150 five point belts with aluminum buckle. With the exception of an adjuster or two, the rest of the parts are steel. How does an aluminum buckle and crotch strap almost double the price? Are there other differences? I want grey, so they have the color I want in the $79 four point set. Anybody tried a set of these? I had originally planned to go with the Crows with the rotary buckle, but got concerned with my bubba factor / stick interference / tall buckle.
Alan Jackson
Hartselle, AL
Don't know about any other specific differences in construction, but the 4-point and 5-point harnesses that Van's sells are made by different manufacturers (Tuff Tow and Amsafe, respectively). See thread: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=43347

Anyhow, I would advise you to reconsider. There are advantages to a 5-point harness even in a non-aerobatic aircraft (search the forums, this has been discussed before). But even if you're not convinced, it's easy enough to install a 5-point harness now when the aircraft is under construction, and the added cost is minimal in the big picture. Later you can always remove the crotch strap if you really want to. On the other hand, if you go for a 4-point harness now and change your mind later, it'll be a bigger hassle and bigger cost to retrofit. Just my $0.02.
get belted

my two-bits worth is that partly due to the lap belt geometry, the attach point, and thereby hinge angle is fairly far behind your....well, behind/lap.
thus, when in turbulence, I find even with belts tight, there is quite a lot of ....swing, and I hit the canopy more often than I like.( 9a slider)
The 5th point will help with this issue, ( holding the lap belt down) and you can choose to use or not in severe calm weather or no aerobatics! :)
5 point

I too will advise the installation of the crotch strap. I really helps stabilize the whole rig, and keeps the shoulder belts tight without having to overtighten the lap belts. RV's are a rough ride in unstable air, and can really bang you around. I flew without the 5th point for a while, later installing it to give it a try. Found it quit necessary. At the very least, install the attach point parts. Real PITA if you decide to do it later.
2 cents as usual...

Vans Seat Belts

I have Crow five point. I used Crow crotch strap attachment system which is a big eye bolt and two big washers attached to the floor pan. Can be removed very quickly. I have the quick release system. Great except when I had a large stomach passenger. Full back would hit the release and cause his voice to change.

Note: Just finished 38.6 hours on my new Rv9 A. Today I finish my forty and will be giving rides to my skinny freinds. Great Plane.

Ron, CATO, Duel GRT Sport, Trio, 496.
Two words

Upside down. May also occur in a 9.
That was enough for me to justify the 5th point upgrade.

Now I have a black 4 point kit for sale (from Italy).
Five point is a good choice

my two-bits worth is that partly due to the lap belt geometry, the attach point, and thereby hinge angle is fairly far behind your....well, behind/lap.
thus, when in turbulence, I find even with belts tight, there is quite a lot of ....swing, and I hit the canopy more often than I like.( 9a slider)
The 5th point will help with this issue, ( holding the lap belt down) and you can choose to use or not in severe calm weather or no aerobatics! :)

I agree with Alan. I try to fly in good weather only but hit the canopy with my old noggin when the AZ summer bumps took over. The crotch strap would have mitigated the issue and allowed me to keep the others a little looser.
Upside down. May also occur in a 9.
That was enough for me to justify the 5th point upgrade.

Now I have a black 4 point kit for sale (from Italy).
i know this post is 13 yrs old.... Do NOT exceed Van's recommendation in HP and aerobatics.... RV9 is NOT aerobatic.
5 pt safety in case of accident

I don't believe the OP was considering aerobatics, based on his original post. It sounded like he was concerned about how to improve safety in case of an accident, i.e. flipping upside down on the ground, when it would be good to have 5 point harnesses to prevent heads from hitting the canopy.

As an aside, is there a way to use Little John with 5 pt?