Ralph Inkster

Well Known Member
RVs are fairly popular here & I wondered what our numbers actually were. So I figured a quick search through the Transport Canada data bases could cook up a quick survey, but... I soon realized the actual data lines were based on Registered Owners, not aircraft... and there wasn't consistency in Make and Model fields (eg. RV6A called by a different name) to do a clean search. These numbers are understated because I wasn't going to go thru a huge editing effort to get closer to actual counts, but it gives you an idea of how many RVs are flying up in the Great White North.

I gathered these numbers during my morning coffee break, If you have more time (& inclination), you could get the real & larger count.

----- RVs - owners
AB - 133 - 160
BC - 141 - 162
ON - 207 - 185
PQ - 66 - 75
the balance of RVs reside in the rest of Canada's provinces & territories
total CDN - 609 - 710 - so there at least 710 RV fanatics (plus a bunch of builders) up here

It was gratifying to see registrations for RVs I've built & owned over the years. It was also interesting to see RV partnerships out there. I thought 2 or 3 partners would be normal, but there is an RV-10 listing 6(!) partners - there should be some good stories from that!

So, why is it still, about every 4th airport I land at that someone will walk up ask 'What's that you're flying?' ??
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Interesting numbers Ralph. I had no idea there were that many. I know in Vernon here there are quite a few.
Hopefully next year one more RV 10 will be added to the numbers.


It would seem that you are personally responsible for a significant portion of the Canadian builds!
And if you're searching, you'll also have to include all the RV's that are registered as a "Joe Bloggs Model 1" and not as anything you'd recognize as an RV...The builder is the manufacturer, and the builder can call it whatever they want to...
Yep. If someone's RV was listed "Hummdinger-6A" or such in the Model field, it's not in my count. It would take much longer than my morning coffee break to catch all the unique names & add them in...