Jerry Cochran

Well Known Member
Did a search, no joy. It appears Van's cowling @ $1425 vs, Sam James @ $975
is a slam dunk pricewise. Anyone know why the diff? I just got the phone quote from Van's 5 min ago. BTW it's nowhere to be found on Van's site.



[email protected]
I used the James cowling on my 9A, nothing but happiness there. I would not recommend the James plenum though, not at all.
The price from Vans is a bit misleading for decision making. If you delete the cowling from the finishing kit, as I did about a month ago when I ordered mine, you will receive a $1015 discount off the price of the kit. Shipping will also be less, I'd expect.
The Vans Aircraft parts are made from prepreg epoxy materials with foam and honeycomb cores; vacuum bagged and oven cured at high temp.

I believe the Sam James parts are wet lay-up room temp cured (but I could be wrong)
Does that go for the rv-4 cowls as well? I have a 25 yr old set and they don't look anything like the cowlings I have seen on the newer rv6s and 8s. Are the new -4 cowls as well made?
The Vans Aircraft parts are made from prepreg epoxy materials with foam and honeycomb cores; vacuum bagged and oven cured at high temp.

I believe the Sam James parts are wet lay-up room temp cured (but I could be wrong)

Will does a post cure on his cowls, but I don't know what temp or Tg of the material.
Does that go for the rv-4 cowls as well? I have a 25 yr old set and they don't look anything like the cowlings I have seen on the newer rv6s and 8s. Are the new -4 cowls as well made?

All of the cowls made now are done using the pre-preg process.
I am fitting my SJ cowl now, the nose fit is way better than the pics I have seen of the vans cowl. I went with a 3" spacer, I did have to add 1/4" to one side of the lower, but it looking good and proportionate. still sanding and fitting......
I was planning to purchase the James cowl and plenum for my RV-8. What is the issue with the plenum?

Very poor fit out of the box. I had to hack off 3 of the 4 corners and re-glass them, and ended up taking off the entire center front where it contacts the front of the engine case and redoing that as well. I have no doubt that I would have saved time building the plenum from scratch using a foam model and laying up glass over it.

Do a search on the forums here on the James plenum, there has been plenty written on it.