
Hello RV12'ers

Some advice please!

Vans released 2 major service bulletins which must be done before or at the next inspection.

1) the fuel tank mounting brackets
2) the undercarriage doubler plates etc

Those of you who have done your mods.

How long on average did it take?
Our aircraft was professionally built and therefore we need to out source the mods. We need a quotation to do the work but have no idea how long on average the mod takes and what is a fair price based on the amount of hours taken.

Thanks for your replies.

1) A few hours (but this was with the tank top still off during the build, so not a good guide)
2) I'd say two full days (say 16 hrs) with plane on the gear during the build (finished aircraft would take longer)
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Simple guide - -

Depending upon tank painting, etc. - - Tank 8 - 10 hours.

Landing gear - ( again painting ) - - 25 - 30 hours.

This should be on the high side, but doing it the first time is slower.

Hope it helps.