I am presuming Scott has modified a pair of 8" side cutters by grinding them flush to be able to grip the shop head well. Normal side cutters have a double edge.


We shot B roll that was supposed to show a modified and unmodified tool side by side but I guess it accidentally got left out? (I don’t know because I haven’t watched the video)
As you replied on YouTube - Manual part 5 I think to modify the tool.

I got a pair of 8" side cutters, 5 mins on the belt sander with cooling, sorted.

Great video :D
Summarized 5+ years of lessons learned the hard way in 30 minutes :) Seriously, every small nuance I can think of was mentioned. As with all things airplane building, patience is just as important as the tools and technique.

I cringed every time I saw him brush the shavings away with his hand. I lost count of the number of times I cut my fingers open doing that when a drill shaving wasn't fully liberated.

I think Scott should consider a post retirement gig as an audio book artist.
I cringed every time I saw him brush the shavings away with his hand. I lost count of the number of times I cut my fingers open doing that when a drill shaving wasn't fully liberated.

This! I keep a 2" paint brush on my bench to sweep off shavings, cheap and easy to replace when needed.
I cringed every time I saw him brush the shavings away with his hand. I lost count of the number of times I cut my fingers open doing that when a drill shaving wasn't fully liberated.

This! I keep a 2" paint brush on my bench to sweep off shavings, cheap and easy to replace when needed.

Probably a bad habit, but I guarantee you my fingers would not have gone anywhere near the drill swarf if I was drilling anything other than aluminum.

After a lot of years doing this, I have never been injured by aluminum drill swarf.
Undeburred aluminum sheet edges is a totally different discussion... though it hasn't happened very many times....
I found these to be quite handy.
Notice the notch in the jaws.


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Great video.

It should go without saying but since it is a teaching/instructional video;

A mention about the importance of sharp drill bits, how they make staying on point easier, etc. early in the video would probably be appropriate.

The simplest things can make a job easier/lessen the risk of mistakes. Kinda have to assume the audience are true rank amateur sometimes.

Again, great video.

Side note/thread drift. Has anyone found a good source of cobalt bits? They may indeed last longer but I wouldn't know. Even new, they aren't sharp. All of mine are now sacrificial or home project bits.
Great video.

It should go without saying but since it is a teaching/instructional video;

A mention about the importance of sharp drill bits, how they make staying on point easier, etc. early in the video would probably be appropriate.

Good point, and I agree

I’m pretty sure it was mentioned while we did the filming, but may have gotten lost during editing?
I have a very bad habit of doing more than one thing at any time; like, watching your video while doing some company, mandatory recurrent training. You know, the on-line kind that won't let you skip forward to the test at the end where common sense will let you pass and you can then go about your day?

The bit quality reference may well be in the released version and I missed it, If so, I apologize.

At least I have certifiable Business Ethics for another year,
Thank you, Scott

Scott, I say with all sincerity and no exaggeration that during my build (9 years and counting... I say lightheartedly) you have been my best resource for "how to" knowledge, whether it be from one of your videos or your comments here in the forums. Your expert advice and calming demeanor make those tasks initially thought to be, at best dreadful, and at worst insurmountable, seem not only possible, but actually enjoyable once one begins to see the results you've demonstrated or explained. (The RV-14 canopy fairing being just one great example. Awesome videos!) I had been studying your fuel tank assembly videos, also great, until this LCP pause occurred. I look forward to getting past this and back to the fuel tanks. You inspire me sir and I very sincerely thank you for sharing your knowledge.