
Well Known Member
We have published new files for RV-12iS aircraft related to fuel pressure values and other configuration settings. There are updated files available (listed below) and README documents for G3X and Skyview systems.

In addition, these settings have been tested with Skyview v16 software. The Skyview software and settings package on the Van's Aircraft download page has been updated to include the v16 software. SV software v16 has been tested on both the RV-12iS and original RV-12.

The description of these changes is below.


The Rotax 912iS currently has a "caution" range for fuel pressure. This range is not needed as the Rotax EMS only specifies a green range with upper and lower redlines. The POH and related EMS settings have been updated to remove the caution range. Additionally, Rotax specifies a specific minimum fuel pressure prior to start-up using a single fuel pump. It has been confirmed that this startup pressure check is not necessary. Additionally, the reading is dependent upon battery voltage which complicates the check. As such, this check has been removed from the Engine Start Checklist. Additionally, SkyView Software version 16.0.2 is included in this change.


  • RV-12iS POH REV 6 [Published previously]: Section 2.8: Removed Fuel Pressure Caution range and extended Normal range from 40.6 psi to 55.1 psi
  • Section 4.5: Removed "Fuel Pressure – CHECK above 43.5 psi (3 bar)"
  • Section 4.7: "… check fuel pressure 40.6 to 55.1 psi" was "… check fuel pressure 40.6 to 50.8 psi"


  • SV-PRE-SETS-READ-ME-Rev18: Added revision note to remove the Fuel Pressure caution ranges and remove fuel pressure check during Engine Start checklist.
  • Updated elevator and flap calibration menu information.
  • Contains the updated Skyview files below and the release of Dynon SkyView v16.0.2 software.
  • Rotax_912iS-SkyView_Settings_v15.4.7_08-24-20.dfg: Removed caution Fuel Pressure Range from "c37_p8." Expanded the green range from the lower red line to the upper red line. Updated pressure sensor definition to "KAV V2 150PSI DIFF103757-000/503851-000" from "KAV 75 PSI DIFFERENTIAL (101692-000)." Updated takeoff trim setting to 2.125" deflection.
  • 12iS_SkyView_Checklist_R1.txt: Removed Fuel Pressure Check in Engine Start Checklist
  • G3X-PRE-SETS-READ-ME-Rev14.pdf: Added revision note to remove the Fuel Pressure caution ranges and remove fuel pressure check during Engine Start checklist.
  • RV-12iS VFR Base Config Rev 13.gca: Removed caution Fuel Pressure ranges. Expanded the green range from the lower red line to the upper red line.
  • Adjusted takeoff trim position.
  • RV-12iS IFR Base Config Rev 8.gca: Removed caution Fuel Pressure ranges. Expanded the green range from the lower red line to the upper red line.
  • Adjusted takeoff trim position.
  • 12iS_G3X_Checklist_R1.ace: Removed Fuel Pressure Check in Engine Start Checklist
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For a Skyview HDX system on a RV12 that already has latest map updates/settings/etc installed, is the only thing needed to update to v16.02 is to install the SkyView- file?

Or is it necessary to re-install maps, sensors and settings files again?

For a Skyview HDX system on a RV12 that already has latest map updates/settings/etc installed, is the only thing needed to update to v16.02 is to install the SkyView- file?

Or is it necessary to re-install maps, sensors and settings files again?


This question is best possed to Dynon, and may depend on what version of their software you're upgrading from of course. That said: You should be able to just upload the software, but please review the readme for any necessary settings changes, etc.
Thank you! I decided to hold off because of a known bug of winds aloft forecasts are not working in this version.
We just updated our newest TeenFlight RV-12iS with a SkyView HDX and now we get a EMS Fail when it boots up so be sure to keep a backup of the previous release that you can fall back too.

UPDATE: I used JeffG fix as posted below and it worked, Thanks!
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We just updated our newest TeenFlight RV-12iS with a SkyView HDX and now we get a EMS Fail when it boots up so be sure to keep a backup of the previous release that you can fall back too.

I had the same thing happen when I updated my RV-12 ULS, also with Skyview HDX. Turned out to be a simple solution.

I called Dynon Tech Support and got a call back from Dave in about 12 minutes. They had received several reports of this from RV-12 owners and had a solution that involved disconnecting the EMS inside the panel and reconfiguring the network.

Since I had Dave on the phone I tried going directly to the last step, skipping the disconnect of the EMS - and it worked.

Try this first:

Go to Settings>System Setup>Skyview Network Setup - At this point, if you select "Network Status", you'll see a list of devices attached to the Skyview network. #4 on my list was SV-EMS-220 which was showing "Status:Ready".

Go back to Settings>System Setup>Skyview Network Setup and select "Configure". Once I did this, EMS was back and all was fine.

There is a software glitch that appears to be specific to RV-12s , possibly RV-12s with HDXs.

I'm sure it's coincidence, but my 12 is TeenFlight 5 from the Portland/Hillsboro program.
The posts here have mostly been of those that had issues loading the new software. I’m sure there are multiple factors that could cause some to have issues and others not, like the type and age of networked components, age of prior version, etc. I too spoke with David at Dynon about this upgrade yesterday and he didn’t mention any -12 issues. I also spoke with two of Van’s support staff yesterday, and neither indicated any issues. Van’s has apparently successfully upgraded their fleet of 12s without problems. I have manually eliminated the yellow bands on the fuel pressure widget and recalibrated the AST takeoff position. I’m just reluctant to do brain surgery without more reassurance, so, I’m asking if anyone has SUCCESSFULLY upgraded their HDX software on already flying 12iS aircraft?
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I have a 12 and HDX. Had the same problem as described above. Used Jeff’s method and it worked perfectly. Gotta love this forum!
I wanted to chime in here to let everyone know that we have run into this issue although, it is rather random and reasonably small in numbers. It is not isolated to the RV12 or any of Van's settings files and has been showing up across the fleet. I do have a case into engineering and they are investigating it, however, due to the random nature it has been difficult to isolate.

I would like to ask that anyone who has had this issue to send me an email at [email protected] to my attention. I would like to know if you have ever replaced the EMS module at anytime in the aircraft's life? Also, if you have a diagnostic file with the system in this broken state, it would be useful. Anyone who does have the issue I would ask that you pull the diagnostic file from the system with it in the "broken" state. Put a thumb drive in the USB port, go to the setup menu's, go to SYSTEM SOFTWARE > EXPORT DYNON DIAGNOSTIC FILE.
Once you have the file, please upload it here:,to%20the%20USB%20flash%20drive.

Guidance in this thread as to how to recover from this bug is accurate, but I would also like to add that turning off REVERSION MODE is vital. SYSTEM SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT SETUP > REVERSION MODE ENABLE > SET TO NO. (Dual screen HDX only)

Just to reiterate the guidance to recover from this bug. Sometimes a network configuration is all that is needed, but occasionally I have had to disconnect the EMS, configure the network, reconnect it and configure the network again. We have never failed to get the system fully functional and no long term issues have come up.
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