
Do the vans preview plans show all the plans except in a smaller format or are there other items on the full size plans set which are not shown on the preview plans. It's not that I dont want to buy the fullsize plans it is because i would like to know if I cannot see how something is done or how something is on the preview plans than obviousely it ont be on the fullsize plans. This is because I am building from scratch. I am looking at the RV-4 and Rocket "lite" F4. And i was thinking of buying the Vans preview plans to have a look. When you buy the fullsize plans from vans do they give you a building license or do you only recieve one with the kit? Thanks very much. :)
Just smaller

Mine RV-8(A) ones were A3 copies of the A0 full size. The instruction manual is the same too, only when you order the kit you get the latest revision included (just in case your previews are older I guess).
True for the most part......

I have compared my pre-view plans with the full sized version of the same drawing date and they aren't exactly the same. Case in point my RV-8 pre-view plans, which I ordered very close to the date of ordering the kit, has omissions on the full tank drawings. The full size ones have added a service bulletin for the fuel inlet and also have more detail to install a flop-tube.
Frozen Design

So far, I haven't seen any differences between preview and FS plans on my -4. I don't think anything has changed in several years, so the design changes are DONE! The preview plans should serve you well.