
I'm New Here
I am very interested in the Vans RV experience and willing to buy lunch/fuel for a ride in one. Most interested in the RV 7/8/9 tricycle fixed gear models. I figure that before I spend $$$ on buying one, it would be helpful to get a chance to fly in one first.
I am very interested in the Vans RV experience and willing to buy lunch/fuel for a ride in one. Most interested in the RV 7/8/9 tricycle fixed gear models. I figure that before I spend $$$ on buying one, it would be helpful to get a chance to fly in one first.

I know you said you're most interested in tricycle gear, but if you want a ride in a -4, PM me. :)
15 Oct Ramona Airport

The KRNM "Air Fair and Fly-In" will be a target-rich environment; good opportunity to meet RV builders and flyers. Thinking longer term, it's also an opportunity to make connections with a DAR, CFI, or A&P that's experimental-friendly.

Actually, Ramona is a just a friendly airport...
I was going to also point out exactly what Ron said above. Plus, if you build in SD county, you will need to be flying your Phase 1 out of Ramona anyway.

I'd be happy to give you a ride anytime in my RV-9A. I will be out there on 10/15 for the Airport open house.
Bruce, if you are attending the Prescott AOPA Fly-in this weekend, check out the private message I sent you this morning.