L Brown

I'm New Here
way back when the demonstrator crashed, what was the cause of this and has it been fixed on new models. Has there been any problems of such since? thanks

RV-7 or 8 thats the question!!
There is much published about this incident and the short story is that there was no design problem found. The airplane apparently had been overstressed well past the design and safety factor limits. It is unknown why this occured.

Vans did extensive and to failure testing of an amature built wing and center section to prove the design was sound. The test were satisfactory to meet the established design and safety factor limits.
There is much published about this incident and the short story is that there was no design problem found. The airplane apparently had been overstressed well past the design and safety factor limits. It is unknown why this occured.

Vans did extensive and to failure testing of an amature built wing and center section to prove the design was sound. The test were satisfactory to meet the established design and safety factor limits.

That's what I thought too, but I read recently (somewhere???) that the wing has been strengthened in later 8 wing kits.
Seems like there was a bit of a change. Its been a while, but I actually remember asking a Van's person (Tom Green, I think) at SNF if the changes had added much weight to the RV8. He said the amount and I remember it being low.
IIRC, the stepped machined bars that are part of the riveted wing spar assembly were extended and or thickened.
8 wing

It is my understanding that Vans decided to use the same wing spar for the 8 that it uses for the 7, in simplify inventory and production issues. So, they stopped producing the 8 wing spar and started using the 7 wing spar for both the 7 and the 8.

The wing (for the 8) is known as the "dash one" wing. It has an aerobatic limit 50 pounds higher than the old wing. I was told by someone at Vans that there is no real indication that the old wing is less strong than the new wing, it is just that the new wing has been tested to a higher level than the old wing was tested to.

This is from my memory of the conversation which has been some time ago.

In spite of intensive testing, it seems that there was no reason to believe that the crash of the demonstrator was a result of a deficiency of the wing spar. At least that is Vans position and I see no evidence otherwise.
7 or 8 that's the question

"RV-7 or 8 that's the question"

Build the 8 you won't regret it! The RV-8 is the pick of the litter!
It is my understanding that Vans decided to use the same wing spar for the 8 that it uses for the 7, in simplify inventory and production issues. So, they stopped producing the 8 wing spar and started using the 7 wing spar for both the 7 and the 8.

The wing (for the 8) is known as the "dash one" wing. It has an aerobatic limit 50 pounds higher than the old wing. I was told by someone at Vans that there is no real indication that the old wing is less strong than the new wing, it is just that the new wing has been tested to a higher level than the old wing was tested to.

This is from my memory of the conversation which has been some time ago.

In spite of intensive testing, it seems that there was no reason to believe that the crash of the demonstrator was a result of a deficiency of the wing spar. At least that is Vans position and I see no evidence otherwise.

That's exactly the information I have too.
