
Well Known Member
Hello all,

I've seen on the online Vans catalog that the
XIO-360-M1B RT is at 24440$ (it is 28400$ in the paper copy), coupled with the 1000$ rebate when buying the propeller at the same time, it seems to be make for a good offer.
What are your feelings about this engine, versus Lyclones?
Would a FP prop be suitable as an initial install (might get CS later in the project)?
Thanks for your opinions.

Good motor. The M1B is fwd facing injection, which is the way to go IMHO. If you are going 180HP, this is the way to go. Personally, I think currently Lycomings are great motors, and AD's seem to be just as big problems for ECi and Superiors, so I don't have any bias there (any more).

I'd go for it, but I'd put a CS on it to start with. Whether or not you go Blended Airfoil. Due to a recent AD on older Hartzell Compact Hub props, there should be a few of those on the market that require a 100hr inspection if on certified aircraft, which could probably be had for cheap. I know my Dad has one we are taking off the Cardinal that has about 80hr's left until the next inspection (Which can be done by the prop shop ON the aircraft if you fly it in.)

Anyway, my dad will probably be asking about $1700 for the prop once it's off. Which is a killer deal for a CS prop, if I was closer to needing it, I'd buy it from him. I'm sure there are going to be deals like this elsewhere out there because of the AD. So I'd go with that and a PCU5000 governor.