Bob Brown

Well Known Member
We'll have the web links on the EAA292 site updated shortly, but I thought I'd give everyone an update on times and events.

For those of you not aware, the "Homecoming" event will be held at Independence Airpark this year (7S5) and will kick off with a BBQ on Friday the 17th at 5PM-7PM outside the Starduster Restaurant on the field. Amanda Richards will be on hand to provide musical entertainment.

There will be a Saturday morning pancake and egg feed at the EAA 292 hangar, which will be put on by the chapter volunteers at EAA292. This event will be from 8 until about 11AM.

Many aircraft builders in the airpark will have their hangars open and visitors are encouraged to walk the taxiways, meet new people and talk airplanes.

The Saturday night banquet will be at the Independence Elks Lodge on the banks of the Willamette River. The Elks will provide a bus for transportation for those who would like it. It's about a 10-15 minute walk through the neighborhoods to get to the Elks Lodge from the airport.

We are requesting that all people who plan to attend the Friday nite BBQ send a note to us so we have some estimation of the amount of food to prepare.

Many people in the airpark have signed up to accept overnight visitors in spare bedrooms, and there are plenty of rooms left at this point, so let us hear from you. Besides being a no-cost way to stay, this is a great way to meet people who have the same addictions you do.

This will be a people oriented event, not a fund raiser or commercial if you want to look at lots of RV's, maybe get a ride, meet a lot of veteran RV builders...this will be a great place to be. Willamette Valley weather has been very mild in the last few weeks, with evening temperatures in the 50's and daytime highs in the upper 70's to mid 80's.

We look forward to seeing you here!
Sorry I'll be missing it! Kris and I really enjoyed our trip to Independence in May and wanted to come back for the Homecoming. GREAT bunch of builders on a beautiful airpark.

Unless, someone has a job openning for a Hydropower or Nuke Plant operator, I can quit today and still make it in time. ;)
Uh oh

It's earlier than usual this year? That's disappointing. Caught us by surprise with that. Well, you kids have fun. See ya!
Sounds Great! I'd love to be there. Does anyone kow of a pilot leaving from Southern California? I can drive to the departure airport and pack only my toothbrush and anvil.

Seriously, I'm very much interested in learning as much about RV's as I can and this sounds like a great experience.

Any leads on a ride?

Thank you very much!

_Ralph Chaney
I'm a local, prospective builder and would like to see some RV's during the homecoming. Whats the (automobile) parking situation like at the airpark? Do I just park on the street and walk around or what? I really don't know what to expect.

I would love to get a ride in an RV while I'm there, and think I can offer some incentive. The Evergreen Aviation Museum is a short flight away and I can get you free admission in exchange for a ride to McMinnville. Don't forget that the Antique fly-in is going on in MMV this weekend as well, which is even more reason to fly to McMinnville.

Looking forward to talking about and seeing some airplanes this weekend!

Another update

We just updated more info on the Fly-In on the EAA292 website ( ), but (argg!) I don't think I updated the parking part.

There is ample parking across the street from the south end of the field (off of Hoffman Street) at the Medallion Cabinet parking lot. It's a one block walk to the chapter hangar from that lot...or, since you're parked on short final for Rwy34, you can just sit in your car and watch all the planes land!!

See ya there!
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