
Well Known Member

This questions goes out to those fuel injected fliers out their who are using Van's high pressure boost pump.

When the boost pump is on is it noisy enough to hear through your headsets (engine running) to know it is on or would you recommend an indicator light on the instrument panel to let (remind) you that it is pumping its little heart out.


RV-7A Finishing Kit
Your choice

Whether you decide to add an indicator light or not you will most likely not hear the pump with headset on, flying with engine and wind noise. I have a carb and I am thinking about an indicator light for the boost pump. Occasionally I will forget to turn it off after takeoff. Am after takeoff or cruise check list would solve that issue for me. A check list is lighter and cheaper than adding another do-dad on the panel.
I knew my boost pump wasn't working when the fuel pressure indicator told me. When the boost is on the pressure is solidly in the green. Boost off at cruise indicates somewhat lower. I only had 60 hrs on it. There was no blockage because the engine ran fine but the normal pump noise was much quieter. I just finished dissecting it but could not see anything that looked wrong. It is the Facet low pressure pump from Vans.
At lower power settings you can definitely hear the pump. But it gets harder as the noise level goes up. You can still hear it but you have to know what to listen for.

That being said, I added a simple LED from rat shack (the kind with the resistor built in). It's just wired to the switch so yeah I know people say it's not a true indicator of fluid flow thru the pump... it's just an indicator showing that electrons are flowing to it. Works for me. I see the light and it's a good reminder for me.
Whether you decide to add an indicator light or not you will most likely not hear the pump with headset on, flying with engine and wind noise.
Paul :
One of the simplest and least expensive things you can add to the instrument panel is an indicator light for the boost pump. Mine is a blue one (sort of mimics 100LL) and it has on several occasions cued me to turn that (carb equipped) boost pump off. In flight with ANR headsets on, one simply cannot hear the normal and relatively loud clattering of the pump which in my plane is mounted near my ankle.
As I vaguely least one of Van's demonstrator airplanes sports a similiar light.
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