
Well Known Member
Didn't want to hijack someone else's thread. Per the quote below, Vans is redoing their web store. @Greg Hughs (greghughespdx). Please consider adding a savable "wish list" for people with an account e.g. like aircraft spruce accounts. It would be extremely appreciated if a builder could build up an editable list of parts for future shipment. Of course, I may be the only one who's submitted an order milliseconds before realizing I'd intended to purchase more items. I'm sure there more ideas that VAF members could add.

Scott F

We'll look into this - thanks for the report.

And, some super top secret, don't-tell-anyone style info for you here: We have been hard at work here at Van's on an all-new web store, with a much better user experience and capabilities. We still have a ways to go on the project, but when we get it finished and launch it to the world, we think you'll like it!
Wish list functionality is already programmed and will be part of the new store. Quite a bit of work left to do so don’t expect this to happen real soon (especially with this COVID situation). But it’ll happen!

You’ll also be able to log in to your own account, save payment and address info, and more. I’ll save the “more” details for later. :)
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Greg, thanks for the response.

Good that there are vendors/companies out there that are responsive to their customers suggestions.
FIND IT - please

I am very happy that Van's has decided to upgrade the listings. I have sometimes found that your current system is convoluted (at least in my experience) whenever I want to 'find and purchase' a particular part. Could you please list every part that you have for sale somewhere in a 'find it' index????? You must have that info somewhere as I have on occasion 'wasted' your employees time while he or she was trying to 'find' the part that I needed. Almost every time that I have to call and ask for assistance your employee has had trouble finding the part that I need.

I predict that making an index of all for sale parts will greatly increase your on line sales. Thanks for considering my rant.
While you're at it, double-check spelling of every item. I don't often need anything now, but when I was buying a lot of stuff, I found quite a few items where the description or name was spelled wrong (after hunting around to find the part some other way).
Agreed on the need for a better search function. The present Van's search function has only rarely let me find what I was looking for... and the search function on the big aviation supply company works okay a lot of the time, but...
The new search functionality is one of the key features.

We're very aware of the shortcomings, hah. We've been working for the past couple years on updating from a technology standpoint in a number of areas. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it's easy(ish). Other times it's a bit more than that!

And spelling - yeah, I get those fixed as I find them but most of the energy is focused on the new site right now, to be honest.

We hope that when we launch, a lot of what you want is there. We will have a solid platform when we launch to build on and enhance over time, as well.
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I'll reinforce what Greg said about the scope of this effort. In my previous job, I was part of a development team to migrate an e-commerce site from one platform to another. With about 40,000 part numbers, a significant number of them with part-to-part interactions.

This is a massive job, and that's just the part you see. Getting fulfillment right is almost as hard.

So...Greg... keep your chin up and your head down!