
Well Known Member
Has Van's discontinued this practice? No surprise if they have, but I didn't find it on their web site, and I tried several different phrases.


Finders Reward

Has Van's discontinued this practice? No surprise if they have, but I didn't find it on their web site, and I tried several different phrases.



I got a Vans Reward once. Seems like the buyer had to do something. It's been a long time.
It's still active. My tail kit shipped last week and I got an email with the finder's fee form. I hadn't heard about it before the email.
The reward is still active. Someone was kind enough to list me as their referrer.

I haven’t seen a check yet, so I’m not sure what the payout is, but I believe it is $100.

Beats a kick in the shin.
When I got my first kit there was a form in it with the finders fee information. I shot mine to Andrew Kilroy since I had been watching his videos when deciding between Vans and Sonex.
I received one for my hangar mate ordering his tail kit back in 2005. I signed the $75 over to him to so he could use it to buy some tools. Win win since I get to use those tools in the hangar.
I advertise to others that are interested in building that I will give them the finders fee. So far no other takers as my airport is primarily antique airplanes.