
Well Known Member
Does anyone know whats happening with the fastback which Vans "might" be offering. When I asked them some time back if it was a possibility, they didnt deny it. I havent heard much since. EJ

There was a thread a while back about this... I'll look for it. Anyhow I got from the forum that a former employee says Dilbert(the demo -8) may be getting the fastback. The only Fastback Mod I've seen for the -8 is from www.showplanes.com

I'd LOVE to see it offered...
... waiting anxiously ...

I too am anxiously waiting to see if there's any substance to the rumours which abounded towards the end of last year (see here for the original thread: RV-8 Fastback dilemma. )

Should it prove to be more than just a rumour, my guess (can be replaced with hope/dream/wish ;) ) is that we'll know about it come Oshkosh this year. The Fastback really appeals to me and if Van's do end up offering it as an option, I'll definitely be taking them up on it! I doubt I'll do it via a third party add-on kit though.

Fortunately (depending on which way you look at it that is ;) ), I have only just started on my Emp. which means I can wait a while before having to place an order for the fuse. 'Till then though, I'm holding thumbs that Dilbert will indeed arise anew, all gleaming and most importantly, Fastbacked! ;)
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John Harmon does one for a RV-4. ;)


My advice is to be patient. I have explored this as much or more than anyone and I am too waiting on a factory solution. It is a great idea. Keep pounding rivets and keep your options open. The Cox kit will be my fallback. I would use it today, if I could find someone to modify the canopy cage and the roll bar. Showplanes looks great, but sans arguement, I will not fly without a ont seat roll bar in an 8. My preference and it has been hashed over before so no need to revisit. Good luck to all however you choose to fastback your 8. Post photos of your choices and progress. It may demonstrate to the factory the demand is real.

BTW the 8 looks great as a FB, but the 4 looks even better!
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Time time

Unfortunately I ran out of time and needed to order, so I went with TC. The TC kit met some of the criteria that the showplanes kit could not. The downside is that there appears to be *significantly* more work with the TC kit since there is more fabrication involved and, as mentioned, the cage needs re-work. How easy will it all be? No idea. I'll be a little miffed if Vans bring out an FB model within the next year or so, but no more than those that ordered just before the kit went matched-hole I guess! When I get to the FB, I'll post pics and notes in my kitlog. Hoping everything I ordered (see my sig) arrives towards the end of next week and I cab get stuck in again: I've had nothing to do on the plane for *ages* and my tools are getting lonely :-(
I think I will be ordering the Show plane kit soon. I am hoping to have my wings finished in 4 or 5 months.