
Well Known Member
Does anybody know what the Hobbs reading is on Van's factory RV-7A (formerly RV-7) demo plane?

Curious how much time the other factory demo planes have been flown as well.
Demo plane hours

RV-6A over 4000 (Transition trainer) Highest time of any RV
RV-7 Unknown (Transition trainer)
RV-7A 1390 N137RV
RV-8 Unknown (Engineering test plane)
RV-8A 1399 N58VA
RV-9 Unknown (not here today)
RV-9A 1580 N129RV
RV-10 870 N410RV
RV-10 388
RV-12 50

Bruce Reynolds
RV-6A 440 Hours
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What? You going for the record Dan?

I did transition training in the 4000 hour 6A last month. I can confirm that it's still a joy to fly and the view out of the canopy was phenomenal. :D
Davepar said:
What? You going for the record Dan?
Not intentionally. But it occurred to me recently that the way the hours are rackin' up, I might have the "highest time" RV-7 in existence pretty soon. I figure at OSH '07 that'll probably be the case. Might make an interesting prop card.
Paul Thomas said:
Are you ever going to stop flying long enough to paint it?
The paint shop still has my deposit. Pushed the date back to August. But I have a trip to OSH for an RV Assembly workshop in mid-August, so scratch that. Maybe September...but we have a local air show, and I want to fly up north to see the Snowbirds then. Scratch that. Maybe October...gotta fly to Florida then. Scratch that. Maybe November...got Boulder City and possibly Nellis and then Watsonville workshop. Scratch that. Maybe December.

Can't validate but it seems to me the Mike Seagers RV7 Transition trainer had over 700 hours on it when I flew with him in August 2005. I'm sure it is considerably higher now.

I am a bit confused here in SW Utah (SGU)......I thought we were on this years Dan's / SoCal get away schedule......Zions Park, Kolb Fingers, biking, hiking, fooooood, RV builders to straighten out, and one of the best flight day triping almost anywhere with in a short flight of SOCal................Now I know you are busy but really don't pass us up.

Seriously don't let a little paint get in the way of flying!!!!!!!!!!!1

Frank @ SGU RV7A electrical, fiberglass $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$