
I am pretty much ready to order my preview plans and my practice projects and emailed Vans earlier this week with a question and to ask for a shipping quote. I haven't heard anything so last night I sent a follow-up email but haven't had a reply from that yet either.

Does anyone have any experience on how long they usually take to reply to 'info' (not support) emails? Do I just need to be patient or do I need to chase it up? In truth it hasn't really been that long but it seems like an age as I want to crack on!!

I am in the UK otherwise I'd give them a ring.
They are pretty quick as im sure you saw. And pretty helpful too. I think they are an awesome company.

I just want to warn you, I was in the exact same spot you are about 4 months ago working on a practice kit and now i'm done with the tail and half way through the wings... It all starts with that little practice kit :)
You'll tear through the tail kit faster than you think - you'll want to order the wing kit when you're about halfway through the tail or you'll drive yourself crazy with the waiting.
I don't know whether to thank you guys or not ;)

I was only going to order the plans and practice projects but somehow I've ended up ordering the empennage as well :eek:

[ed. You're welcome. <g> dr]
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