
Well Known Member
Has anyone watched the DVDs by Vans on Tools and How to build the Empennage? My tools and tail are on the way and was wondering if those DVDs would be helpful. I will also be completing the practice toolbox kit and the other practice kit from Vans.
i bought the one from them on the Emp. assembly and it was pretty good. informative anyway. it's made by someone else, not van's though.
not sure about these tools DVD that you are talking about. haven't seen that one.
the EAA online quick videos were pretty good for me as i didn't know much when i started a month ago. the practice kits were and are worth the money i think. especially if you are a tedious type of builder. they are good to work out the kinks and get used to the tools.

good luck:D
Homebuilder Video

Go to Homebuildervideos.com and look at my DVD about how to get started. The builders who have bought it thought it was very helpful. Happy building.
