Well Known Member
Click on the picture below to watch a short video of Van's discussion at the RV-1 tent of the Team RV performance on Wednesday, March 29th at SnF.

I have a 2 gig video file that includes 13.5 minutes of the Team RV show that I cannot upload to Picasa. If anyone has a way I can post that video it is a great video of almost the entire Team RV performance. The video was shot standing next to Van during the show so there are several comments from him about the performance. If anyone has ideas on getting this video uploaded please let me know.

Bumping this to the top in hopes someone has ideas on getting the 2 gig video of the Team RV Performance uploaded. I have zipped it but have not been able to upload the zip file either.

Any ideas out there?
Thanks David,
I have sent the file via FTP to Kahuna at Team RV. Hopefully he will be able to post it soon.
Ok everyone. Thanks to Kahuna I have the Team RV video posted on You Tube. It is just under 15 minutes long. I will say, I have never seen the Team RV performance before. This video is pretty cool but if you ever get a chance to watch them live, do so! As Van stated part way through this video, "This is special, something you don't see every day."

Click on the link below to watch the video of TeamRV @ Sun n Fun on You Tube:
TeamRV Performance @ Sun n Fun 2012
Outstanding. I was there for that performance. One look at those clouds and I knew you guys would be working hard!
Beautiful to watch. :)

One question - We see something go left to right as you stall turn at 1.19 and you sound surprised. What was it?
One question - We see something go left to right as you stall turn at 1.19 and you sound surprised. What was it?

I think that was a drop of condensation moving across the camera enclosure. I never saw it until I reviewed the video, so any sound of surprise is purely coincidental. Maybe I was surprised to see so many VAF hats looking up at us.:D
I was at the show for two days. The ONLY act that caught and held my attention was that of Team RV. Formation flights are cool, but when you add graceful aerobatics to the mix it really ramps it up. Good work guys, it was awesome.
Smokey.....excellent video! Thanks for taking us on the ride with you through the performance.
I've seen videos of aerobatics before, but never with so many aircraft, and viewed from the pilot's perspective. It really adds another dimension, and I can only admire the skill and discipline it takes to fly formation aerobatics.
Team RV

I watched the first performance on Tuesday and to me this is what Sun n Fun should be all about. I really enjoyed the graceful, gentle, smooth process of the team. It was great. I, like others, am tired of the heavy metal music that goes along with all of the rough aerobatics done by the non-RV types. The music is much too loud. I guess I'm getting old. I thoroughly enjoyed Team RV though. I think Sun n Fun management should pay attention to what is said here. The crowd was half the size of that in past years. Some of it could be the economy and some could be because of pilots like me that have seen too many non-experimentals ringing it out to music that is just not pleasing to the ear. I also enjoyed John Morr and the graceful aerobatics of the Aeroshell team. But what do I know................

I'm very proud of Team RV.

Hey Steve,
Where are my royalties?!! Van isn't the only one in the video :D Thanks so much for the encouragement on the fuel tanks. Working on them this evening and after over a year layoff I am officially back building again. There was a recent thread titled do you ever get overwhelmed. I think many of us do but with the encouragement of people like you and my good buddy Bruce Sacks and Mike Andorfer and others on this forum, it makes it easier to get beyond being overwhelmed.

Click on the picture below to watch a short video of Van's discussion at the RV-1 tent of the Team RV performance on Wednesday, March 29th at SnF.

I have a 2 gig video file that includes 13.5 minutes of the Team RV show that I cannot upload to Picasa. If anyone has a way I can post that video it is a great video of almost the entire Team RV performance. The video was shot standing next to Van during the show so there are several comments from him about the performance. If anyone has ideas on getting this video uploaded please let me know.
Hey Steve,
Where are my royalties?!! Van isn't the only one in the video :D Thanks so much for the encouragement on the fuel tanks. Working on them this evening and after over a year layoff I am officially back building again. There was a recent thread titled do you ever get overwhelmed. I think many of us do but with the encouragement of people like you and my good buddy Bruce Sacks and Mike Andorfer and others on this forum, it makes it easier to get beyond being overwhelmed.
Keep at it. Before you know what happened you will find there will be nothing left to do but go fly.
Very COOL!!!

With out a doubt that is the best airshow performance of RV's I have ever seen, I bought my first tail kit in 1985 and have been watching them before that. The video is excellent, thank you Steve and to all of the pilots that worked their tail off to get that level of performance. Really wish I could down load it. I missed Smokey's it is already taken down.:-(

Just wonderful.