Hi all,

Lycoming engine - 10 months lead time. Finally got it.

FWF kit, 5 months from Vans????? I guess I should have ordered it WITH THE ENGINE 10 MONTHS AGO!!!

Evidently they are backordered on the Barry engine mounts for 5 months.....hopefully just 5 months.

My question, does anyone have any other options? Aftermarket?

I am just too pissed to comprehend right now - Vans emailed me and said the exhaust was delayed by 3 weeks and would ship it all then but I asked to have it shipped now as I didn't want to delay for just the pipes. Keep building. I received the kit minus the mounts and THEN they said, OH - you didn't know? they are delayed 5 months. UGH What to do for 5 months and look at an uncompleted airplane......

Thanks for the vent.

Re mounts...I've been flying a set of VIP mounts (50011-20) and find them satisfactory. Looks like Spruce is out of stock. Don't know if Vans has any. VIP will sell direct.

Aircraft spruce, Aviall, and many others sell engine mounts. Alternately, there's probably a builder who has a FWF kit temporarily gathering dust who might work out a deal with you.
You can source your own FWF kit as well. Should take well less than 5 months to put together all of the individual parts that make up that kit, along with making any hoses, harnesses, etc.


TS/AS Flightlines has all the FWF lines/hoses. The main thing you need from Van's is the baffle kit, as it's very specific, also some of the mounting HW for oil cooler and similar items are set up for pre-determined nutplates on firewall. Prop governor, alternator, etc are probably more universal.
Also you can buy an exhaust from Vetterman. BTW, I was told that Vans is developing a dual pipe exhaust for the -14. Hearing that makes me glad that I went with Vetterman since it already is dual.
At one point, I had to call some guys and tell them that their brand new multi-million dollar jets were going to be delivered several months late because of a shortage of jet engines. At that point my employer was purchasing several hundred engines per year on a schedule that was defined literally years in advance. The root cause was a shortage of titanium at the engine manufacturer.

Not trying to be abrasive here, but the reason I mentioned the engine thing above is because if you're ....too pissed to comprehend right now .... you need a reality check. Airplane parts are a low volume, high dollar item. it's not like Vans or anybody else is cranking out engine mounts or FWF kits by the thousands.
Lead times...

I ordered a 540 from another well known engine builder which required them to get a new crank from Lycoming. That, plus the backlog of their other work meant I waited 28 months, yes over two years, to get my engine! (Other custom components like exhaust have also been in the 12+ month timeframe.)

Good think I ordered early!
The engine vibration mounts are backordered. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. There are times when "bought" parts that we provide in kits are delayed.

Folks are, of course, welcome to order their own elsewhere and delete the ones we supply from their FWF kit order.

Other than that, we are shipping FWF kits as usual. Thanks.

have you looked at this thread? there are plenty of things to do while waiting, unless you have done all the stuff I suggested.

Title: Wheel pants before engine?


I can keep adding to the list I put there. Like trim the inlet ramps and install in to top cowl. Put in the oil door.

Also, I would do the skybolt fasteners. You can do the interlocking flanges prior to mounting engine. OMG, the skybolts fasteners along the top of the cowl are oh so nice. I can't imagine putting in those bloody hinge pins all the time.

Make a mount for a fire extinguisher and for the tow bar.

I assume that your avionics are done and installed at this point.

Install the glare shield in the canopy.

I assume that you have done the wheel pants/gear leg fairings.

I can probably think of more things to do as well.
Build out of order....

The instructions for finishing are vague anyway, go ahead and work on something else. I?ve scored a few great deals by keeping a keen eye on barnstormers or the classifieds section here, buying not what I needed at the time, but rather thing I knew I needed at some point. Built the stuff I had on hand at the time... that being said, I bought Lord mounts from ?sky geek? a few years back, and got them in a few days if you want to go that route.

Good luck,
Ken / Sam and others:

Yes, mostly everything else is done. Mostly. I do have minor things to clean up but the last MAJOR item is the cowling - which I need the engine in.

No, I am not going to put a "dummy" engine in to get the cowl done. It ran through my mind, but see the end of post.

For many of us that have the time (60+ hours per week) to spend time building, our biggest challenge is logistics and $$. 10 months for an engine, 14 months for a panel, 5 months for engine mounts, etc. I don't know what I need until I get to that part in the plans, and then delays suck. I planned on a 5 year build financially,,,,,shrinking it into just 2 years is a stretch on the pocket book.

I do try to look ahead, but to get my head around the complete project seems impossible. Taking small steps is the only way to "get it done".

My next airplane (-14 again?) will be much much much quicker and efficient build.

My main complaint was the fact of lack of communication from Vans - I talked to them and I know it is not their fault for the delays from subcontractors and suppliers....however when I ordered ON THE PHONE maybe a quick mention of delayed items would have been helpful? It wasn't until I inquired a few weeks later why it hadn't shipped I was told about the exhaust not being here for 3 more weeks. I had them ship everything else at that time. 3 weeks I could have a good start on the engine and cowl. When I received "everything else" it was minus the mounts. Again, another phone call and found out about a quite lengthy 5 month delay.

Vans is swamped with orders and business. I get that. But the lack of communication is my complaint. I shouldn't have to call to inquire about a delay, it should have come from them.

I have sourced the mounts locally and will be building back on schedule.

Consider this a PSA about engine mount delays - If ordering FWF kit get a list of backordered items and source elsewhere. Vans with bulk pricing is cheaper so stick with them when you can however.
I?m glad I read this thread... was getting ready to order some engine mounts. Guess I?ll find them somewhere else......

We have the stock Vans supplied exhaust awaiting us to return to Vans. We did the Vettermans after we ordered the FWF kit. We are at KPOV.

Might be worth your while if you interested. FYI Vettermans was black logged last fall 5-6 weeks. Don?t know about now. They were good to work with.

If interestec send me a PM