
Well Known Member
My Bill of Sale from Vans obtained 2 years ago contains no N number (obviously). When sending in my registration paperwork, should I write in the now reserved N number on the Bill of Sale from Vans so that it matches my affidavit of ownership & registration application?

Thanks Mel (or whoever)!
If I recall correctly, the bill of sale does not need a "N" number-----only the serial number -----but I would not trust what I say, wait for Mel----or send him a PM.
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Van's Bill of Sale is for a Kit with a Serial Number, not an airplane. So, you don't need the N-number on the Bill of Sale. No need to write the N-number in there. The FAA will apply your N-number to the SN# as you tell them to via the submitted paperwork.

Like Vic says, the kit doesn't have or need an "N" number. If you want to apply your reserved number to the aircraft, include a copy of your number reservation with a cover sheet telling them that you want to apply this number to the aircraft.