MikeJ 7A

Active Member
Kits at Osh?

Does Vans normally have some tail kits available at Osh? I'll be there and thought it might be a good time to pick up my 7A tail kit and avoid some shipping costs.
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Not normally. Call Van's and see if you can arrange it.

FWIW shipping costs on the tail kit are not very much, at least compared to the other kits.
I don't think Vans ever has tail kits on hand at any of the shows. They'll gladly take your order there though!! I think my shipping costs to IL were about $75.
Does Van's have any show specials, perhaps a small discount on a kit purchased at the show. I may be able to attend Osh this year and perhaps puchase a 9a tail kit.
In years past, Van's has sold the demo QB kit at a discount after the show rather than haul it back to the factory. After 5 zillion people climbed, drooled, etc all over it. Check with Van's beforehand.
sprucemoose said:
Van's never has any specials, period.
I attended the RV construction workshop in Corona, CA in December last year and we got $50 off a tail kit. Don't know if that's a regular thing or not.


The QB kit on display at the show this year is mine.

I will be hosing the drool out of it when I get it home.

Hopefully people will not be climbing all over it and hopefully there will not be too many scratches on it.
