
Well Known Member
Just curious, how does Vans serialize their aircraft? Is there a series of serial numbers assigned for each specific model or (initial kit buyer) or are the numbers model independent? Is there some date encoding?
The first number is the model number (e.g. RV-4, RV-6, RV-7). The remaining numbers are sequentially assigned based on when the tail kit was ordered. Serial number 70500 would be the 500th order of an RV-7.
hmmm...that would be logical but don't know if that is entirely true. For example, I know that serial number 20030 is an early RV6A. Number 21982 is a 1996 built RV6A.
Okay, perhaps I mistakingly extrapolated data. I looked back at several posts, and here's a snippet from Mel:

"20306 would be RV-6, S/N 306. RV-4 plans start with 1XXXX and RV-6 plans start with 2XXXX
Mel Asberry, DAR since the last century.

I'm was just going off what I've seen from other builders of the more recent models...those made after the 6.

Also keep in mind that whoever registers their aircraft can assign whatever serial number they want to it. Van's suggests that you use the Builder Number that was assigned when the tail was shipped. The Builder number is what I was referring to.
Okay, perhaps I mistakingly extrapolated data. I looked back at several posts, and here's a snippet from Mel:
"20306 would be RV-6, S/N 306. RV-4 plans start with 1XXXX and RV-6 plans start with 2XXXX_________________
Mel Asberry, DAR since the last century.
I'm was just going off what I've seen from other builders of the more recent models...those made after the 6.
Also keep in mind that whoever registers their aircraft can assign whatever serial number they want to it. Van's suggests that you use the Builder Number that was assigned when the tail was shipped. The Builder number is what I was referring to.

The FAA also recommends using the builder number as the serial number, but it is not required.
hmmm...that would be logical but don't know if that is entirely true. For example, I know that serial number 20030 is an early RV6A. Number 21982 is a 1996 built RV6A.

And my RV10 kit serial 42790 belongs to neither a 4, nor a 42.
The first digit correspondence to model number seems to have changed a few times.

First digit = Model
1 RV-4
2 RV-6
7 RV-7
8 RV-8
after that? Based on the 10 and 14 s/n's they seemed to have changed again.
And what about the RV-3? If the 1 and 2 correspond to the 'first and second' models offered, then is the RV-3 s/n start with a 0?