
Well Known Member
Although I admit, I'm a little biased, but I really like the picture of all the RV-10s on the Van's 2007 Accessory catalog with Tim's in the forefront.

Cool!!! My pic!!!

I've always given Van's permission to use any of my pictures anytime in any capacity. I didn't know they were using this picture I took at LOE'06 on the cover. What an honor!

Trust me, it looked better in person <g>. I remember at the time thinking that I had about a half million dollars worth of RV in my lens and that I should probably not screw it up <g>.

Thanks for posting that cover for me!

Wow, nice shot DR, or should I say nice flying. From here it looks like it is computer generated. The spacing is near perfect.
Not generated by computer.....

I was honored with the opportunity to ride along with Vic Syracuse in the third -10 in the photo...and the formation was solid and smooth as glass!

And all I kept thinking was "don't let me screw up this formation with a NASA Flight Director riding shotgun!" I think the honor was mine.

That was one of the coolest flights I've had yet! Was great to have such a good gang to go with, that's for sure...thanks to them all. Doug sure does a great job with the camera, but after reviewing the many dozen other photos I can tell you every single person has their work cut out for them to get a photo like that.

Oh, Doug, by the way, that's probably more like 3/4 of a million in the photo. ;)
TimO said:
snip.....every single person has their work cut out for them to get a photo like that. Oh, Doug, by the way, that's probably more like 3/4 of a million in the photo. ;)
Tim's not kidding on the pilots having their work cut out for them! I just pulled up one of the photo software apps I use to cull through the take and see that I took (32) pictures in about 60 seconds on that flight. Click on the thumbnail and you'll see that there were only 1 or 2 frames where the spacing was perfect. Turbulence was present and made having digital a must. Tim's probably right about this being 3/4 million of RV. Oh, and doing this above the LOE fly-in with all those eyes on you makes my stomach churn again just thinking about it :). And we do this hobby to relax, right? ;)

That 5-ship that Ed Hicks did a few years back just floors me - and he did that with FILM (not digital).

That was a great flight with great planes and great people. Wonderful memory.

Sure! But, let's wait until after October. It's that month's calendar shot in the Van's '07 calendar (that's what the image was taken for, actually).
