Joe Jet

So folks, when setting valve clearance on a 0-320D2J do we want to set it on the smaller clearance of the given .028-.080? Thanks, JD.
I tried to set mine at midpoint .054 or whichever combination gets you the closest. This was done on fresh overhaul, cam, tappets,hydraulics,rockers all fresh from aircraft specialties, I am running one close to upper limit and may replace now that the weather is a little warmer. Make certain that hydraulic lifters are completely free of oil.

Keith Rhea
RV7 79 hours since overhaul.
Dues paid 2019
Shoot for the middle and if you have to round up. You don't want to end up with a situation where the valve may not fully close. If that happens, it can lead to a burnt valve fast!
Aim for lower end if you have a choice as .... over time....wear will occur. Remember anything within the range specified by Lycoming is OK. Pushrods can be expensive.....and I also found there is slight variation within same part numbered pushrods. Make sure you read the latest lycoming service manual regarding pushrod lengths & selection. Certain families of pushrods are not to be mixed with others in the same cylinder.

Dry tappet clearance

I think mid range is ideal if you can get it. If not I prefer them a little toward the looser limit rather than tighter. The lifter has a large range that it can inflate. It?s true that wear in some places will increase clearences, but the valve wearing into the seat will reduce it.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
Aim for lower end if you have a choice as .... over time....wear will occur. Remember anything within the range specified by Lycoming is OK. Pushrods can be expensive.....and I also found there is slight variation within same part numbered pushrods. Make sure you read the latest lycoming service manual regarding pushrod lengths & selection. Certain families of pushrods are not to be mixed with others in the same cylinder.


While researching this a year ago, most folks with tons of knowledge around this do not recommend setup on the lower end of the range.
While researching this a year ago, most folks with tons of knowledge around this do not recommend setup on the lower end of the range.

Agree. I had a burnt valve and valve seat because one was exactly at the low end of the spec.