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My Titan IOX370 engine is built with a cold induction system and came with a plug in the system that looks like a drain (to drain fuel if it is collected in the induction plenum). In the drawings of the cold induction system there is a part labeled as 'AE100064 valve assy drain'. A licensed mechanic advised me to use a valve that automatically closes when the engine is running (vaccuum) and opens when the engine stops (draining any excess fuel that was collected in the induction plenum).

My question now is about the valve drain that came with my Titan Engine (the 'AE100064 valve assy drain'). It looks like this plug is 'always open' (at least is not closing when blowing air through it), which seems strange to have a 'false air intake' here: this would mean that we have a small hole through which air can enter when the engine is running (and that is not measured by the fuel injection).

Does anyone know if the current plug we have (AE100064) is OK (and how does it work) or if we should get ourselves another one that is different?
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My Titan IOX370 engine is built with a cold induction system and came with a plug in the system that looks like a drain (to drain fuel if it is collected in the induction plenum). In the drawings of the cold induction system there is a part labeled as 'AE100064 valve assy drain'. A licensed mechanic advised me to use a valve that automatically closes when the engine is running (vaccuum) and opens when the engine stops (draining any excess fuel that was collected in the induction plenum).

My question now is about the valve drain that came with my Titan Engine (the 'AE100064 valve assy drain'). It looks like this plug is 'always open' (at least is not closing when blowing air through it), which seems strange to have a 'false air intake' here: this would mean that we have a small hole through which air can enter when the engine is running (and that is not measured by the fuel injection).

Does anyone know if the current plug we have (AE100064) is OK (and how does it work) or if we should get ourselves another one that is different?

Photos look like what is commonly referred to as a "sniffle valve" and typically used on the bottom of the induction plenum on a F.I. engine as you described (though there are some that feel it is not necessary).

It closes when there is a vacuum applied to the pipe thread end of the valve (I.E., when the engine starts the manifold vacuum closes the valve.
I have same engine purchased three yrs ago and the valve has a little ball in it that closes when suction is on engine side. You could call JB at Continental and check for sure.