Jerry Cochran

Well Known Member
Folks, here's another theoretical question.

Let's say you have two near identical RV's,a -6a and a -7a, built by identical twins (joke.)

2007 slider models

Identical professional paint.

ECI IO-360's professionally assembled.

Hartzell blended 72"

IFR panel

Assume everything else is identical.

The question is, What is the price/value difference between these two given that the only difference is the model #?

What should each sell for on today's market?

If the -7a sells for $90K, what should the -6a be worth?

When answering, please mention any recent experience you have on either the buy or sell side and the model, and how often do you check prices @VAF?Barnstormers/Trade-a-Plane?

Thanks for your input, I think it might be illuminating...
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7 should be worth a little more

Of course I'm biased ;)

Seriously though, the 7 has over the 6:

1) Complete matched hole pre-punched construction. Should be straight with no jigs (no trim tabs required on rudder)
2) A higher VNE 230 vs 210
3) 4 more gallons of fuel 42 vs 38
4) Higher gross weight 1800 vs 16XX?
5) Counter balanced rudder
6) More interior room 1" or so headroom
7) Accomodates up to 200 hp engine vs 180 hp

Subtle changes but they all add up...
Of course I'm biased ;)

Seriously though, the 7 has over the 6:

1) Complete matched hole pre-punched construction. Should be straight with no jigs (no trim tabs required on rudder)
2) A higher VNE 230 vs 210
3) 4 more gallons of fuel 42 vs 38
4) Higher gross weight 1800 vs 16XX?
5) Counter balanced rudder
6) More interior room 1" or so headroom
7) Accomodates up to 200 hp engine vs 180 hp

Subtle changes but they all add up...

Hey Rooster,

You're missing the point. Not trying to find out IF it's better, that's for another topic.

Here's the question in a nutshell: What does today's RV market think the $$$ diff is, not "why is it different?" Let's just agree it IS different and go from there...

BTW Rooster, you have a nicely equipped -7, what do you say one like it is worth?

Good input tho... Thanx
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For point of discussion, let's assume that the RV-7A will command $20,000-25,000 more than the otherwise identical 6A. I would buy the 6A. To me there is not enough "mo better" about the built 7A than the 6A to justify the price difference.

I think you should tell the group what you think your 6A should sell for after a new engine and panel and let others confirm or refute it.
Of course I'm biased ;)

Seriously though, the 7 has over the 6:

1) Complete matched hole pre-punched construction. Should be straight with no jigs (no trim tabs required on rudder)
2) A higher VNE 230 vs 210
3) 4 more gallons of fuel 42 vs 38
4) Higher gross weight 1800 vs 16XX?
5) Counter balanced rudder
6) More interior room 1" or so headroom
7) Accomodates up to 200 hp engine vs 180 hp

Subtle changes but they all add up...

I know, this isn't suppose to be a comparison, but...

My 6A is straight because of a jig. It needs a rudder trim tab because the whole vertical stab isn't offset like a 7's.

Most 6's are in the 1800+ GW catagory because they found that the 6 was capable of much more than Van's orignal conservative figures. Besides, I prefer the 6's spar that connects in the middle, rather than a few bolts attaching to a seperate center spar.

They say the 7 has more headroom, but I haven't seemed to have noticed when in 7s or 9s.

The 6's shorter "Classic tail" is much better looking than the oversized balanced rudder than comes with the 7. :D

Yep.............the 6 may be worth $20,000 less than a comparable 7.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
New and improved...

Assume everything else is identical.

The question is, What is the price/value difference between these two given that the only difference is the model #?

What should each sell for on today's market?

Having watched the market (or, more correctly, the lack of a market) recently I will take a guess that the '6' is going to sell for 10 to 15K less than the '7'. Reading Barnstormers, Trade-a-Plane, and VAF ads is meaningless unless you can find out what the real selling price was. For obvious reasons, some people aren't anxious to 'fess up on the actual price paid or accepted. It is an ego thing with many people.

In your question you say "everything else is identical," the key word is "else" many people are going feel that the '6' is old news and the '7' is the latest article. Our culture really responds to "new and improved."

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

I think when you look at asking prices between the two, it boils down to what people are wanting. These days a plane equipped with efis, 180+ hp and constant speed with classic aero interior and quality paint will demand more money regardless of model #.

You stated above that the 2 hypothetical airplanes are identical and the 7A is $90K for comparison. I guess you are asking if an identically equipped 6A was sitting beside it what would it be worth? If it were me I would use the given 7A price as a bartering tool and try to get a better deal on the 6A before making the decision. If they were both priced the same and the sellers would not budge, I would choose the 7A for the reasons listed above. If I could barter a cheaper deal on the 6A I would choose it. However, that is just my opinion and how I would approach buying an airplane if I didn't have one already. :D

The question of what it is worth is so subjective though because any airplane is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay the and the seller is willing to accept.

I have seen on Barnstormers some very nicely equipped airplanes sell for way less than I would have imagined. On the other hand there are some out there that the seller is wanting a premium for and will not sell for less.
...I have seen on Barnstormers some very nicely equipped airplanes sell for way less than I would have imagined...
I'm not familiar with Barnstormers, but I have never seen a trading site report selling prices. As John Clark says above, selling prices are not that easy to find out.
I'm not familiar with Barnstormers, but I have never seen a trading site report selling prices. As John Clark says above, selling prices are not that easy to find out.

Exactly right... However, if you use asking prices as a proxy, then I would say around the $70K range, the -7 is worth $10k more, everything else being equal.

When you get to $100K then these are usually well equipped, maybe IFR, low time aircraft and engine, pro paint & Interior probably the -7 is $10K and the -6 is $85K.

These are just my observations of asking prices, and I watch them daily, kind of an obsession of mine. Often you can find "SOLD" stickers on ads at B-Stormers also.

Just my dime as usual, and yes, I luv my sixaye.
I'm with John Clark...

...$10,000-$15,000 delta. I just sold my -6A too cheap....$60,000, but in this economy?? Lotsa good buys available.

Thanks to those who've responded and hope many more will. Hard to know what markets think, but Vans didn't do any of us -6a owners favors by orphaning same... I seem to have a history of owning orphans... 1998 Ford Probe GT, a wonderful car, Eggenfellner 2.5 Sube which I got my $$$ out of early on, some stock picks that went broke...

Not to say the -6a falls into those failed categories at all. They are still a very lovable RV, just don't hold their value...

To me, the only REAL diff is the 2' shorter wing. I have flown 7's also, and that's about it, really. 200 vs 180 HP? Many on this list happily apply 200 HP to their 6's, not one has fallen out of the sky, I don't think...

But I digress, Thanks again
Supply and demand.

There is a reason the 6 is the most popular model in the fleet. It will be a long, long time before any other model catches up, if ever.
There are far more 6's on the market than 7's. The 7 might be percieved as newer, maybe even better, but I bet as many 6's are still being completed as 7's, (just a guess), and those of us that have flown both know the "better" part is mostly subjective. I wouldn't trade mine.

There was a time not long ago that a similary equipped 6 went for similar money as the 7, but in this economy, far more 6's are going onto the market just due to the sheer number built, and people need to sell. The 4's I see advertised are actually priced higher than any time I have ever seen. Dont know if they are getting the strong money or not.

I did not know Vans orphaned the 6. You can still get any part you need and I see projects and parts and pieces for sale almost daily from private parties.
There is a reason the 6 is the most popular model in

I did not know Vans orphaned the 6. You can still get any part you need and I see projects and parts and pieces for sale almost daily from private parties.

"Orphan" in the sense they do not actively promote sales of same.When's the last time you saw an ad for one? Not to mention that the QB version is "NLA"

I agree with someone who mentioned the wing spars being butted together with those immensly strong splice plates. Very comforting when pulling some "G''s
"Orphan" in the sense they do not actively promote sales of same.When's the last time you saw an ad for one? Not to mention that the QB version is "NLA"

I agree with someone who mentioned the wing spars being butted together with those immensly strong splice plates. Very comforting when pulling some "G''s

Not only do they not promote sales of them, they are not selling tail kits for them (new serial numbers).
my take on it

Well, I guess I will put my thoughts in here. These are on already built planes. If you are building I would go with the -7 because of pre-punch.

I recently bought a -6A. I had been looking and contemplating for several years. I was seriously looking for 1 year. I looked at a lot of ads, flew out to see several planes, and made the whole excel spread sheet thing to justify my gut feelings. :)

Why did I buy the plane I did? Well, in a short answer, it was a good deal for me.

My -6A has all the -7?s good points. Not pre punched but it was a quick build, so it should be straight, and it has the counterweighted rudder.

The other -7?s advantages would not be appreciated by me. I?m not tall and neither is my wife so we don?t need the extra inch. I am sure my -6A will carry the 1800 pounds and 100lbs in the baggage area. I always like extra fuel but I am sure the 4-gallons wont make any difference to my flight planning. Someone can correct me here, but I believe the wing span difference is all in the wing tips, so its a bolt on difference.

I like the -6 because the theory is that the wing is stronger due to the spar attachment, and that due to the shorter wings it should be faster. The reality is that I hope to never need the total wing strength and 1-2 knots won?t make a difference in my type of flying.

I knew I would replace the panel, so I looked for one with a minimal panel. The engine is strong, it has a metal prop and build quality is good.

The things I don?t like are the paint scheme, and that it has an ?A? after the -6.:) But the price and condition were right for me.

So why do some people pay more for the -7? I feel it comes down to 2 things. 1. It is the ?new? model. 2. It is more likely straight and consistent due to the pre punch (but not guarenteed by any means).

Why should someone buy a -6 over a -7? I think it is really about the specific plane fitting the specific buyer and their needs.

Personally, I give the -7 no price premium over the -6. Avionics, build quality and TT get huge premiums in my book, and I think that is where the real difference in price is.
You can still get all the parts...

Not only do they not promote sales of them, they are not selling tail kits for them (new serial numbers).

Sorry but I dont consider an orphan something that can still be had. Of course they dont market them anymore, they have newer models. But the point I should have made related to the comment and this thread is that nobody should be scared away from buying a 6 feeling that they can not get parts. Van's will still provide parts, even empenage parts I am told. I dont consider what they did a diservice to us 6 owners at all.
To both your points, if they truly orphaned the model, the value of a 6 would be significantly affected as parts would not be available for repair and service. That would be very bad.

To date, Van has continued to support every model they have ever made, even the 3,4 and 6. That is pretty impressive for any company.
To date, Van has continued to support every model they have ever made, even the 3,4 and 6. That is pretty impressive for any company.

OK Jon, you make good points and maybe "Orphan" is not technically correct. Don't get me wrong, I love Van's as they have certainly improved my life,and literally thousands of others. I have personally thanked the man himself at one of our monthly breakfasts at EAA105.

They are one of the few companies in the experimental world whose word you can truly count on, and that comes right down from Mr. VanGrunsven

I just wish the marketplace recognized the teeny amount of diff in value of 6's-7's Thasall. Nuffsaid.

Happy Flying,
...$10,000-$15,000 delta. I just sold my -6A too cheap....$60,000, but in this economy?? Lotsa good buys available.


Thank you Pierre--still very happy with the purchase..I was looking at 7s also--just not enough tangible reasons to pay extra for..I can take that difference and upgrade the 6 any way I like..Also find the shorter wings a plus when moving stuff around in the hangar. Also nice to know I can fly to San Diego and back in one day..Tom
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