
Well Known Member
Value of Canopy Release Mechanism on Tip Up RV-6


I hope none of you have experieced needing the canopy release in an emergency , but if you have, please comment.

I am in canopy install mode and have the emergency release mechanism installed , but I am asking myself why. I have not cut a hole in the panel for it yet, and may not do so. Can the canopy really be released in flight? It looks to me as if the release is pulled, the canopy still will not come off because the hinges will hit structure above it. The canopy would need to be opened after pulling the release. Is this possible? Is there value in the emergency release on the ground after a crash?

I know the release has service value, but if there is no emergency value, I am considering not installing this stuff since I am trying to keep my 6 as light as possible and this stuff weighs about a pound or so. I intend to install an inspection panel in the forward fuse skin, to I could always just attach the canopy frame with AN4H bolts, nutplates, and safety wire.

Thanks in advance for any future advice on this issue.

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A lot of things to consider. Originally the canopy did not use the gas struts. If you plan to make the emergency release practicle in flight you must do 2 things. #1 Do not install the gas struts. #2 You must cut slots above the hinges. (These can be covered with a good 3M tape matching the color of the fuselage). I use the white tape that sailplane pilots use to cover their wing root joints. The canopy hinges will tear away the tape upon ejection. If you choose not to use the ejection system in flight you can still remove the canopy on the ground by gently jockying the canopy hinges from under the forward skin thereby avoiding cutting the slots. Also with this method you can locate the handle straight down behind the subpanel saving panel space. I hope this helps. If you have further questions, give me a call. 972-995-0372 (daytime) 972-784-7544 (evenings)
One other option that I failed to mention. I have a friend who has the struts, but still does a lot of aerobatics. We installed both the gas struts and the old manual canopy rod. When he is going out to do "flip-flops", he simply removes the struts. Then reinstalls them afterwards.
I won't have a canopy release on my 9A

Although not acrobatic, Vans still has the same release system for the -9. I desided that with at tip up the need to get behind the next forward bulkhead after consturction would not be that great. I desided to save the weight by not installing the system.

A bigger plus for this desission is that now I have more room in my panel that can penitrate the balkhead forward of the panel.

I saw a -7A with the release installed from the front, under the cowling. To be used only as a maintenance access/canopy removal feature.

It looked like a neat idea.
I don't have mine set up for the jettison mode, but I really like the ease of removing the canopy with it. I removed some of the Hi Hat section on the bottom of the sub panel and reinforced it for a pass through for radios. I turned the T handle so it was horizontal and now it does not get in the way of the radios.
