
Well Known Member
Considering adding a Val Nav 2000 Nav Radio with a Bob Archer
Wingtip antenna. I have a GRT Sport EFiS and looking to get a simple
Inexpensive option for IFR localizer/glide slope approaches. I don’t want to add an
SL 30 as I am very happy with the performance of the Gtr 200 Radio and don’t want to add an additional audio panel.

Has anyone done this that can offer advise or an opinion about this set up?
This is one instance where the search function can be very helpful.

I reported, some time ago, on two friends who bought their NAV2000's at about the same time. Both reported poor VOR reception range. I was involved in helping them troubleshoot their installations. Much back-and-forth with VAL resulted in some very marginal improvements in the hardware after it was returned to the factory for review. Sadly, there was lots of blame from VAL on the installations. Swapping in other nav receivers proved the installations were not at fault. One of these individuals opted to stick with the NAV2000 and use it solely for its ILS receiver, while the other person removed the NAV2000 and went with a fully stand-alone Narco Nav122 receiver/indicator.

I'm sure (or at least I hope!) the NAV2000 has overcome these earlier technical challenges, however I don't believe the customer support attitude of the vendor is likely to ever change.
No experience with the 2000, but my neighbor had an INS429 (integrated display) in his Tailwind and was very happy with its performance.

Pulled After 1.5 Years

I installed the 2KR in my 9A during the build, because I wanted minimal "stuff" on the panel.
For the first year, the 2KR performed wonderfully. Then, with absolutely no change in anything, the reception of the unit dropped to virtually nothing. I checked all connections, swapped antennas with the GTN-650, with no change/improvement. Next I pulled the unit and took it down to Salem, OR to have VAL check it out.
Being an "old" Radar Marine, I watched it being tested, and while on the bench, it worked flawlessly. Putting it back in the airplane resulted in no such performance.
So, I figured the test setup provided a stronger receive signal than the real world.
After flying some more with the unit and getting marginal functionality out of the unit, I pulled it completely from the aircraft and have it sitting in a drawer - getting about the same amount of use out of it as when it was installed.

What with the PIREPs posted here on the sight, I doubt I could get anything for it; nor would I want to sell it to anyone without full disclosure.

I now rely on the multiple GPS units and the VOR function of the GTN-650 for all my IFR navigational needs.
Get a Garmin

I'm guessing you are starting out with IFR training. It seems everyone starting out in IFR thinks the same. I did the same thing. bought myself a Val 2000 thinking I could fly IFR with one VOR/ILS receiver. Forget it. Once you start flying IFR you'll realize that one, not so good, ILS receiver is not going to make it. Also the wing tip antenna idea, I tried that also. I now have a 430W and use the Val2000 as a backup ILS/Glideslope. I have an antenna under my tail, in the cowl, and in the wingtip. I use the tail for the 430W the cowl antenna for the Val, and the wing tip antenna for the glideslope on the 430W. For coms I have the 430W, and an Icom 210, with an audio panel, oh and a Dynon Skyview 10" panel. I like the setup a lot. As far as does the Val 2000 work, yes, though not as well as the Garmin. I consistently get VORs farther out on the Garmin than I do on the Val. I even swapped antennas to make sure it wasn't that. No matter what I do the Garmin pulls in the VORs farther out. I do the airborn VOR check and have both needles displayed on the Dynon and the Garmin will always have the signal, while I have to wait for the Val to receive as I get closer.
Richard: I have no Val experience, but it seems unfair to compare its performance with a cowl antenna, to another radio with an external antenna. Have you ever swapped antennas, see of poor performance stays with the radio, or the antenna?
OP: Re-think the SL-30 option. Used prices are finally coming down, and, with the right EFIS display, you get two VORs (or an ILS plus VOR) out of the one box.
I have a Val nav just installed a few months ago hooked to an external antenna. It seems to receive fine and integrates with the g3x just fine. However, whenever I key the radio to talk it causes interference and causes the needle to jump all over. This happens from both radios. Val customer service was less than helpful in this matter pointing the finger at the garmin radios. I would wait and see what MGL comes out with for their nav radio. It is supposed to have the same nav features as the sl30 but at a Val nav sort of price.

If I was going to do over this one again I would just do it right and go with the sl30.
+1. I hate to say this because VAL is a USA company, but skip the Val. I speak from personal experience.