
Active Member
I'm installing a G3X Touch and GTN-625 in my RV-6A and I'm considering adding the VAL NAV 2000 receiver to give VOR/LOC/GS. This seems to be the lowest cost solution for adding the VOR/LOC/GS into the radio stack and switching out the GTN-625 for the GTN-650 is cost prohibitive. In discussing this approach with Garmin, they indicated some people have had problems with getting the G3X Touch to communicate with the VAL NAV 2000 because the VAL NAV 2000's implementation of the SL-30 command set isn't very robust. So, my question are:

1) Has anyone successfully installed the VAL NAV 2000 into their G3X Touch panel?

2) Any issues/problems with the VAL NAV 2000 (e.g. reliability, reception, etc)?

3) Other suggestions for a VOR/LOC/GS receiver? I like the SL-30, but it's 2-3 times the price (used) and end of life.

I can't answer number 1, But the VAL 2000 works great connected to my Skyview. I am about to be adding stuff to my panel and may not have room for it. I really would like to keep it installed but may not have room, we shall see. issues, great reliability, reception idea.
Thanks for the feedback, Ryan.

Anyone else have any info on the Val Nav 2000? If I can't confirm that it will work with the G3X Touch I may have to reconsider my Nav radio plans.

Did you ever mount one up? I just ordered mine last night and look forward to getting it setup with the G3X touch
I have completed the wiring harness that includes the Val Nav and the G3X touch, but I'm holding off on purchasing the avionics as long as I can.

Let us know how it works out.

Sounds good. Mine will be in Monday and I should have it wired up the following weekend. I'll post my results.
A friend upgraded his non RV type and did a G3x Touch and a VAL radio. I seem to recall him having some difficulties initially but he was able to resolve them. It's been far enough back that I don't remember what the issues were or what the fixes were.
I got my Val nav installed and configured a little bit but not quite how I want it. Either way it shows fine on the g3x and I had a VOR over 80 miles away with my whiskers mounted under the tail section of the fuse. Seems to be working great with extremely easy setup and wiring. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a nav receiver outside of the SL30. For half the price I have the same features and brand new radios with the gtr 200. Plus, I was very surprised with the fact that the upper case on the Val is machined billet. Pretty surprising for the price.
I was looking at their website recently since I already have a GTR-200 but I'd still like a Nav receiver. It wasn't clear to me from the website description that it would integrate with the G3x Touch completely. Or at least without their Com unit too. Any updates you can provide as you start using the unit would be helpful.
It integrates great without the Val com. I have the gtr 200 and the Val nav. Indications show up fine on the g3x. I only got to play with mine fore a few mins on a flight back up to school, but I'll post more once I get a chance to get used to it. I put mine on rs232 ch3 onto the g3x touch and set it up as a garmin nav/com. I have the gtr 200 on the g3x page where I can change the freqs from the panel itself, but didn't see the Val nav pop up to change freqs. However you can set the course to the Val nav from the g3x which is what I'm really wanting. I do still need to figure out how to get the G5 to show the hsi and slave to what the G3 is showing
Another issue I've seen is the Nav radio is receiving interference from the comm radio and I basically lose indications on the CDI anytime I transmit. More testing is needed to see if it's certain freqs or across the board, as well I need to check and see if my second radio causes the same thing. I have an email into Val avionics to see if they have any suggestions before I go to far into changing things. For the record, there were no such issues before with the KX 155.
These are great data points. Val is pointing the finger at the install of the other avionics, I'm not buying as it worked fine with the king kx155. Bob, I also have a gtr 200 and an Apollo gx65. I know it blanks with the gtr but not sure on the Apollo. I should get a chance to try it tomorrow.
Considering a Val Nav 2000 for my G3X retrofit. Does the Nav 2000 connect directly to the G3X GDU or to an RS-232 port on the GAD 29?

Were you able to resolve the interference issue you were having when you would transmit?