
I have a VAL COM 2KR transceiver radio that is controlled via my GRT HXr. The VAL COM was installed recently, replacing an old and tired Garmin. For about 3 weeks it worked great! Today I ventured a little further away from home base feeling confident things were dialed in and guess what... reception side of the radio failed. Confirmed everything else was still working by talking to ATC I was using after landing, they confirmed they could hear my blind calls going out, but I could not hear them talking back at me. Happened in smooth air, steady cruise flight at 3500', so no obvious reason for the loss of function. So, I was wondering if anyone else out there has experience with the VAL COMs. I like their form factor, and that it integrates easily with my GRT EIFS panel, makes for a nice simple and clean setup with minimal clutter on a small dash (my plane is an RV-4). Thanks everyone!