
Has anyone had experience with the new VAL 2000 radio. I had one of the earlier models and wasn't that impressed with it due to the method of changing frequencies and you couldn't see the standby frequency. The new model seems to be more in line with other modern radios. The size is just right if it performs well.
Iam going to be ordering the 2000 also. QB9A...Val's owner put on a forum at our EAA292 chapter meeting several months ago with all his products. We had several members order the com and checking into the radio a little more and found out that several of Vals radios are in the citys tractors/veh at the airport. I figured if those radios can bouce around in a veh everyday that does say something for its construction. In the meeting i was suprised to find out that the radios ' body/chassis is MILLED from one pc of alumimun! Family owed for over two decadeds Iam told. I heard more goes into the construction than into advertising because the unit sells it self. Also told,Val hits 3 major fly-ins a year. Arlington Wash, Sun -n-Fun and Kosh. Ron in Oregon