Cleco 97

Active Member
To Doug, and Chris Pratt. Just listened to the first installment of the ?VAFcast?, and was thoroughly entertained. Please keep up the great work and keep em? coming!
I just listened in. Good stuff, Doug! You did great. Don't worry about not knowing what you're doing....It never stopped me, and you should see the things I've created. ;) Actually, you wouldn't want to see what I've created.......:eek: [ed. Thank you! dr]

Great job!
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Great Job!

Hey folks, Doug did a great job talking with Chris Pratt in this first VAFcast. I'm looking forward to future VAFcasts! I really enjoyed the interview questions...and answers! :)

Fun stuff! Reminds me of eating some hot dogs with Doug and some of his Dallas/Fort Worth friends at Oshkosh one year. :D

Keep 'em coming, Dougie!

(extra text)

[ed. Menu on left. ‘Podcast’. Also as a news item on the front page for the next several days. v/r,dr]
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I just wanted to say I thought the podcast was great. Only thing is, for the life of me I could not get it to work on iTunes.
"Kid, it's not gonna be a free ride."

Awesome introduction.

Still listening and enjoying the first edition. You're doing great Doug.
Just downloaded and looking forward to listening! Maybe it's mentioned in the show, but how often are you expecting to release new episodes? [ed. *Hoping* to offer one up monthly. v/r,dr]
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I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast. I was quite surprised at how similar many of Chris? answers were to what mine would have been. Also, I?ve never met Doug in person (missed him by about 15 minutes at 52F some 10 years ago), and I don?t know what I expected him to sound like, but that wasn?t it - kind of the way I?m surprised when I hear my own recorded voice.:)

Speaking of similarities -- I see the Cessna 170B in your signature line. My dad bought one for my brother and I to fly back when we were in college and still learning to fly. 1956 was the model year. Fond memories.

Note: Doug's voice was actually dubbed in by a robot :D

Speaking of similarities -- I see the Cessna 170B in your signature line. My dad bought one for my brother and I to fly back when we were in college and still learning to fly. 1956 was the model year. Fond memories.

Yes, fond memories of mine too. It?s a 100-knot airplane that only climbs 700fpm on a good day, but I raised two daughters in it and have seen a good chunk of the US and Canada in it. If I ever weaken enough to sell it, there?s no way I?ll be able to stick around to watch it leave. The next time I visit my 170 buddy over at Bridgeport I?ll try to pop over to 52F and give you a ride.

Note: Doug's voice was actually dubbed in by a robot :D
That?s how my own voice sounds to me, only my robot was built in Georgia.:)
Well done fellas

Doug, you seemed very well prepared for the interview. It flowed nicely. And, Chris, your story was captivating. The bit about the autopilot/aileron problem is so typical of the things that can happen in an experimental airplane. You can learn so much from other pilot's experiences and the way they responded. John