
Active Member
I just sent my donation to Doug. I can say that it is one thing I felt it is money well spent. This is one great community of builders, pilots,and just good people.The information found here is invaluble and entertaining. Perhaps Doug will take my money and buy Flash something to try to make him forget about all the good times he and uncle Ironflight had last week. I still am a 1 finger typer,I can't imagine trying to post like GMCJETPILOT. Not a flame , but this took me 10 min. to type. thanks.
tcrv7 said:
I just sent my donation to Doug. I can say that it is one thing I felt it is money well spent. This is one great community of builders, pilots,and just good people.The information found here is invaluble and entertaining. I still am a 1 finger typer, but this took me 10 min. to type. thanks.
Ditto on the money well spent. Ditto on the typing - I've spent an hour or more on longish posts, and sometimes ask myself when I'm going to join the digital age and learn to type!
Learning to type online

N674P said:
Ditto on the money well spent. Ditto on the typing - I've spent an hour or more on longish posts, and sometimes ask myself when I'm going to join the digital age and learn to type!
Found this URL with Google: It says they can teach you to type online for free.

I took their online typing test and scored 81 words per minute with 1 mistake. First typing test in 20+ years <g>.


I suprised myself one day when I started typing and realized I was reading the words on the screen instead of watching my fingers. I still wonder how it is that I know where all the keys are with out looking for them. It is definately a subconscious thing because if you asked me to tell you verbally I couldn't say where a single key was. :p

But back to the original post. Yes this is a great forum! Cheers to Doug
Thanks for the reminder

Thanks for posting this tcrv7. You set a good example, and reminded me to send in my donation, which I just did.

Doug should think about making the $25/year mandatory to use the site. It's really not a lot of money (for people who can afford to build an RV), and it's probably the best $25 you will spend on the project. For all the effort Doug puts into running VAF, I think he really *should* be getting paid for it.
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prkaye said:
snip....Doug should think about making the $25/year mandatory to use the site. ...snip
Hi Phil !

I appreciate the kind words. For some reason, I really like that it's on the honor system - for no other reason that it gives me a good feeling that a user/viewer isn't penalized in any way for not paying. I figure that in the beginning a builder just needs all the help they can get. Later, when they fall into the groove of building and find their rhythme, then they can worry about paying.

Anywho, thanks for the kind words.

DeltaRomeo said:
Later, when they fall into the groove of building and find their rhythme, then they can worry about paying.

That was me. When I started, I watched every penny I spent. Now, I make $100 ACS orders and don't even think about it. A local builder said "My wife is numb to all of the packages that show up. It is no longer an issue." Mine hasn't made it that far yet, but she is getting better about it.
Delivery Packages

When you get your RV flying and zip across the US:

1. Faster than going to the local airport, waiting for the airline, transferring at their hub, with the typically delays;

2. On the spur of the moment and not having to shop way in advance for cheap airline tickets;

3. Adjusting your departure to fit your schudule not the airlines;

4. Making the decision to go somewhere else on your return trip without having to pay the airlines an arm and leg for a change of flight schedule;

SHE will really appriciate the number of package deliveries you received.

I've been building for 6 months now, and just finally got around to paying my "dues" last week. I'm sorry it took so long, Doug. That said, the help I get from these forums is worth 10 times as much, or more! I can't imagine trying to take on a project of this magnitude without the kind of support I get here on VAF.

For those of you who might still think of this as a free service, please think again. It's the small donations from each of us that make sure this site will be here tomorrow, next month, next year.

A million thanks, Doug!
craigvince said:
........It's the small donations from each of us that make sure this site will be here tomorrow, next month, next year.

Ummm....did you happen to notice all the little boxes of advertising along the left side of this page, the top of the page and the front page? I don't know about all the other companies, but mine wasn't free :)


P.S., Love Doug to death, just trying to point out the obvious....this site isn't a charity, it's a business!
I love SteinAir <g>. And, I love my job :).


SteinAir said:
Ummm....did you happen to notice all the little boxes of advertising along the left side of this page, the top of the page and the front page? I don't know about all the other companies, but mine wasn't free :)


P.S., Love Doug to death, just trying to point out the obvious....this site isn't a charity, it's a business!
AltonD said:
That was me. When I started, I watched every penny I spent. Now, I make $100 ACS orders and don't even think about it. A local builder said "My wife is numb to all of the packages that show up. It is no longer an issue." Mine hasn't made it that far yet, but she is getting better about it.
Me too. I lurked for the better part of a year... planning, working up the gumption, etc. When I started building I figured, OK... I'm actually benefiting from all this now... time to contribute. I happen to think it's a great way to draw us suckers in :D