
Well Known Member
Well I just have to make a short post and thank Luca on the VAF forum for a wonderful visit. I am lucky in that my job (airline pilot) allows me to travel to many countries. A few weeks ago Luca along with others helped me with a few pictures. It was then I had the idea to find out where Luca was located in Italy. I had a 24 hour layover in Venice and as it would turn out Luca lives a couple of hours away. I could not get a train that connected to his town in the afternoon and he offered and picked me up in Verona some 45 minutes from his house! After talking RVs and looking at his project for several hours, which only seemed like an hour we joined his wife and daughters for wonderful meal in his backyard. I wish I had remembered to get a photo of the scenery, but Luca's place is in a town nestled among some breath taking mountains, talk about a beautiful place to fly.

After the nice dinner and of course espresso, he kindly drove me back to the train station, I was able to get a return train from his town so he did not need to drive me all the way to Verona. It was a long day for me, I flew from NY to Venice, caught a 2 hour nap and then hit the road to see Luca, the good part is I am so tired I am sure I will sleep a solid 8 hours before pick up in the morning, which sometimes does not happen with the effects of jet lag.

Luca has a great project and some of the finest workmanship I have seen in an RV, and he has to deal with a lot more oversight than we do in the US. Luca you are fine gentleman and I am glad to call you friend, I do hope you can make the trip out sometime to stay with me.

What I have found since starting my RV 2 years ago is that it is not just about a great airplane, but a large part of the experience is the builders you meet along the way. I would like to thank Doug for this site, since without it connections like mine could not be made. I will always be a donor. My door is always open to anyone in the RV community. I hope to be as gracious a host to any of you as Luca was to me.

I will make my first Oshkosh this month and hope to enrich this RV experience. Luca will be there at the end of the week but I will miss him, please extend the warmest welcome to him if you are lucky enough to run into him at Oshkosh.


Thats what its all about.

Very nice write up. That is why I love the RV community. Bravo!
Great story! Thanks for sharing. (And I see you remembered to take your VAF hat with you. Good man.) :D

Mike is really a good person, great experienced pilot, and yeah! now is a friend.

Your posts really touched me.

Thanks VAF.