
Well Known Member
As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I had received an email from Warren Bishop asking if he and Candi, from Nebraska, could stop by and take me up on my offer of a place to stay, as posted in the VAF White Pages. Yes, without a doubt. We kept in loose contact, with the weather permitting scheduled arrival at i39 to be July 10. The weather gods cooperated, for the most part, for Warren and Candi on their east coast vacation and I got the call yesterday. I picked them up at the airport and headed towards the house for some RV talk, trip talk and just general conversation amongst people with the same interests. Here are some shots.

Local 7 builder Jason Rowe stopped over by for the beer and burgers. Here Jason, Warren and Candi are in my kitchen while I throw the burgers on the grill. No we did not partake in the 3 wine bottles last night. Jason makes some fabulous Merlot, Pinot, etc. and I was returning empties for fullies. Really!!


Little burger, corn on the cob, chips, Red Stripe and Corona, back deck, made for a great evening and kindling of new friendships.


This morning, after looking at the weather, Warren and Candi did the fly your own airplane weather decision making process and decided they had to change their last two days and fly a little north then onto Nebraska instead of stopping in Kansas. Storms were going to play a role in the Kansas route. 700 plus nautical miles direct back to their home in Nebraska.


I encourage all to put your name in the white pages. Why have fellow Rvators stay at the local Plain Jane Motel when you can foster new friendships. I know my choice!!
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