
Well Known Member

I know you will utilize some sort of a more formal ordering process for the new T-shirts, but I figured I would go ahead and place an early order! Note: not just because my brother's design won the contest (for the back of the shirt) :D

Put me down for:

Qty: 2, Size: XL (extra large)

Qty: 1, Size: Medium (for the wife)
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I'll take two. One XL and one L

I know this isn't the place to order, but couldn't help myself.

Where do I send a check?

Couldn't you guys make one with a Chipendale guy on it? I'm not sharing your enthusiasm, for some reason. Sorry.

Got ya

Got ya Roberta.....you'er cracking me up!....... I'll take 2 Doug, Med.

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Roberta, How about a T-Shirt with...

robertahegy said:
Couldn't you guys make one with a Chipendale guy on it? I'm not sharing your enthusiasm, for some reason. Sorry.


a picture of Mel in a thong on the front? Would that help you?

(Sorry Mel! Just figured with you being the RV poster boy and all.)
might as well get in on this. i'll take two as well, one large, one small. oh, i didn't see how much they are. anyone??
robertahegy said:
Couldn't you guys make one with a Chipendale guy on it? I'm not sharing your enthusiasm, for some reason. Sorry.


Ok Roberta, I'll be the one "sensitive" guy who understands your POV.
I guess nobody ever thought of women RV pilots when they voted, did they?

You sexist pigs. :mad:

PS. Doug, I'll take 2 XL and 1 L. ;)
Just wondering if I could get one with just the winning VAF logo on the front. Maybe a golf shirt? It's a bit more professional appearing.
Minus the 'pinup'?


Roberta brings up a great point. Since this could be considered a marketing tool for your college fund business, and a great way to get your logo out there, I would consider alternatives. Your shirts may reach a wider market if you printed a version with nothing on the back, keeping the winning logo just as it is on the front.

I love the creativity of the 'Surf and Fly' as well. Perhaps the screener could mask off the pinup and leave the words on the back.

Just a thought. I enjoy looking at the opposite sex, but I'm not comfortable advertising that fact in public.

Art in Asheville
Remember everyone voting within this website, for which designs they liked the best? The majority of the voters decided which design they liked best (54% to be exact) and that logo was for the back of the shirt. The second-most chosen logo went on the front. The two winners were clear, and chosen by the members of this forum.

It just seems to me like some people are taking this a bit too far. If you like the design? Great, buy one. If you don't? Who is forcing you to buy one? Just simply don't order! It seems pretty easy to me?

People wanting to change the style of shirt already (from a t-shirt to a golf shirt?), and asking to "print this logo but don't print that logo"? And they aren't even printed yet!? Amazing.

Just my opinion, but I am ordering based on the design that Doug, the rightful owner of this site, decided was the design of choice from day one. The one logo on the front, the other on the back, all on a specific color of T-shirt. The criteria and intentions were clear from the beginning. If you don't like it, just don't order it! Why try to persuade Doug to change something that 54% of our members said they liked?
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Obviously, I'd rather comment on t-shirts than work on my tanks. :(

Definitely order the kind that most people voted for. If that's what they want, that's what they should get. I have no problem with that.

That said, not sure how the economics work out, but having a couple different designs, and/or shirt styles to put it on, might increase the value of your kid's college fund. Though I really hate to be politically correct, I see Roberta's point. I suspect a fair number of others will not buy for the same reason. I'd definitely order one with just the small VAF logo on the front. I guess the alternative for me and others is just to wait until next year, if you plan on doing different versions every year.

Hope this makes some money for your kids. I wish I would have thought of a way to make money (even if only a little) from my interest in airplanes like you have! Good job.
YessireeBob, no shortage of opinions in here <grin>!

Just to recap for those who didn't see the original posts RE: the T-shirts - the plan is to start with a small run (100-200) all the same color (faded reddish) with the winner on the back and the runner up on the front (small). 90% of the order will be XL and the other 10% will be XXL. Best quality T-shirt I can buy...currently leaning on the Haynes 'Beefy T'. A T-shirt that will last 10 years.

We're starting small. I think the final cost will be $10-15 (S/H extra). The plan isn't to really make money, essentially I want to break even and term the whole effort as a kind of advertising campaign. I'm thinking you'll be able to spot the faded shirt easily at a fly-in and it'll be unique. Special.

I'm kinda stoked that the nose art syle won (sorry Roberta). Next year we'll hopefully do it again with a new contest, use a different color, and maybe make it a golf shirt. Keeps things fresh.

I'm planning on selling them out of the plane, having Audrey (daughter) package and mail the outta-towners (she'll earn $.25 for each one) and bringing the remainder to LOE to sell from the plane and sell at the banquet.

Starting small and my apologies again if your choice/configuration wasn't picked. We'll do it again, though.

Best always,
doug, i'll take two extra larges in that case. my wife can always wear it around the house!

i guess i missed the post of the winning design. where can i find that?? doesn't matter what it looks like, i still want two of 'em.

cjensen said:
...(snip) i guess i missed the post of the winning design. where can i find that?? doesn't matter what it looks like, i still want two of 'em.
Go to www.VansAirForce.net: it's in the 8/8 news day section. Click on the image for a larger version.

From the Bubba gallery


Please put me down for a XXL, equally stoked over the nose art winner!


Not sure exactly how to get my name on the list for the t-shirts but since everyone else seems to be putting down there order here I would like to put my request in for 1 XXL.

I may order another XL later if my wife wants one but at this point I am not sure that she would be willing to wear a t-shirt with a half naked woman on the back. Especially if it would be an XL which would mean it would probably come down to her knees.

Anyway, as I said, please put me down on the list for 1 XXL and let me know what I need to do as far as where and when I need to send the money for it.

(order info)

Hey gang,

When I finish talking to the printer and get the shirts in hand and have a price per shirt established I'll post an order form for you to print/fax/email/mail in.

I *think* I'll have some more info to report on this next week.

All the best,
Any chance for other sizes?


I know you mentioned getting 90% XL and 10% XXL...any chance to get some (10%) of the shirts made in Large? Not being a very big person myself...I'd be more likely to wear a shirt that fits better than an overly big shirt. Also, smaller sizes will allow wives (I know I'm leaving myself open for a zinger here...wearing the same size as women) to wear them out and about instead of XL "around the house".

Just a thought...wanting to help with spreading the word about VAF.com


gstopyra said:

I know you mentioned getting 90% XL and 10% XXL...any chance to get some (10%) of the shirts made in Large? Not being a very big person myself...I'd be more likely to wear a shirt that fits better than an overly big shirt. Also, smaller sizes will allow wives (I know I'm leaving myself open for a zinger here...wearing the same size as women) to wear them out and about instead of XL "around the house".

Just a thought...wanting to help with spreading the word about VAF.com


Same problem here Greg. An XL looks like a poncho on me, but I'd LOVE to have one - even willing to pay a few bucks extra if it would help.
doug, thanks for posting the link to the winning design. that's the one i would've voted for anyway if i would've remembered to vote! i love it!
DeltaRomeo said:
We're starting small. I think the final cost will be $10-15 (S/H extra). The plan isn't to really make money, essentially I want to break even and term the whole effort as a kind of advertising campaign.

Doug: What if you or someone else did a Cafepress site that had the other designs? It would be a quick and easy way to let people have whatever combination of logos they wanted, or at least people could choose whether they wanted the art on the back of the shirt. The shirt quality probably wouldn't be as good, and Cafepress's prices are a little steep, but it wouldn't be much more work to do.
Shirt size

Doug, you can count me out. Even though I paid my dues and voted for the design and watched the voting with great enthusiasm I had no idea that a shirt would not be available in a size I could wear. A large is pushing the envelope but could be done. I wish you would reconsider the sizes you will support.

Well Roberta, I guess I'm with you but not by my choice. :(
Somebody said something about putting "Mel" on a shirt for me. Did you mean Mel Gibson? That would be cool!! Maybe I need to design a Van's Airforce Women's Auxillary shirt or tank top. Where are those pics of Mel?

Large is good!

Just want to put my vote in for a size L (and I did vote for the winning design!). I weigh 150 soaking wet. An XL makes a good canopy cover ;)
As I say on occasion.....Okey dokey artichokey.

Let's change the ration a bit....when I place the order I'll order:

80% XL
10% L
10% XXL

Best always,
Hey Doug,

How do I make sure I get one of those 10% Larges? Why not run another poll for the three sizes and see what ratio turns up?
I'm just approximating. If I run out I'll order a 2nd run (the setup is already included).

Me too!


I would like to place an order for two t-shirts. Both in XXL.

The empanage for my RV-8 should arrive this week! You gave me a ride in flash a year ago and I couldn't shake the feeling. Thanks!

Future RV-8 at Northwest Regional
Hope I'm not too late?

Are you going to have kid's sizes? My three year old needs a 4t or some close facsimile. Sadly, I need a 2x and my wife needs an xl (pregnant).

For the record, Roberta, I didn't vote for the nose-art ish version because of it's arousal factor... I just thought it looked great.
Did I miss the order form? I haven't seen anything about it.
If not, put me down unofficially for 1 XXL, I'll make it official when the order form comes out.
Hi Marty,

No order form yet. I'm still waiting on the artwork to be finished. Then to the printer...

Old thread lives! I have an old VAF t-shirt that's so worn that my wife won't let me wear it outside. Any chance on new shirts?

[ed. Wow! The old 'hula girl' shirt from '05. Haven't thought about that one in over a decade!!! <g>. At the time it seemed to be a good idea, but through the lens of time what I remember now was it was a LOT of work. <g>.

What I've been doing for the last 15 years or so is letting people order their own caps with the VansAirForce.net logo sewn in from an Embroidery King down the street from me. I don't make a penny, but I did pay for the logo setup, so you can save some by using this business at: http://www.vansairforce.net/logo.htm

I'M SURE THEY COULD SEW THIS LOGO ON ANY SHIRT YOU WANT. They have access to pretty much everything. The catalog on their desk is INCHES thick, and I think it can be viewed online.

Again, I don't make a penny. All I ask is that for each item you have made, please donate $10 to the charity of your choice. If you send me a picture of the item, and a description of the charity, I will gladly spotlight it on the front page!

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I'd love the be able to get a couple caps with the old logo, don't really care for the new one.