
Well Known Member
I plan to be at SNF on thurs/fri, I am curious if there is any sort of get together going on?????
Great minds....

I have been thinking the same thing. Of course, there is the Van's banquet, but, as an alternative, perhaps we could designate a VAF rally point for Thursday evening around 7:30ish at someone's sharp looking OD green RV9. :) BYOB and lawnchair.
How 'bout some other ideas. Let's put names to faces. Or is it faces to names?
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How 'bout..

.....meeting in the RV area every morning at 10:00a.m.? Near the entrance to Sun 'n Fun pay booth or something similar for about half an hour to an hour and introduce ourselves.

great idea


Meeting at 10 am each day at Vans tent is an excellent idea. I will look for you and other folks there.
They both are great ideas

I like the Vans area and I really like the OD green lawn chair idea. It's 5 oclock somewhere.


Meeting at 10 am each day at Vans tent is an excellent idea. I will look for you and other folks there.

I meant where the RV's are parked, not Van's tent. This way we'd be there as the RV's arrive since many, like me, only come for one day. Any other time would work as well but we have to leave there when the airshow starts.

I'll be there Wednesday and Thursday unless something unforeseen happens. Commuting via -8 from Palm Coast. Can't meet at 7:30 pm but 10 am sounds good.

My vote is for 10:00a.m. in the rv parking area on Thurs. the 10th, wear something VAF.:D


RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building
Rocket guys meet after the airshow at the beer joint (margaritaville or whatever it's called)

You can easily identify a Rocket driver as most are well lubricated, hair blown off, and yelling about something.....

My vote is for 10:00a.m. in the rv parking area on Thurs. the 10th, wear something VAF.:D


RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building

Vans has an event at 10:00am on Thurs.
Topic is RV Maintenance.
How about if we meet at the event tent immediately before of after?

I'm be at SNF, wed & thursday,
No here....No there.....

I think you can see from the variety of replies thus far, everyone has their own ideas of what would be best. It s like turning a group of kids lose in a toy store and telling them they will need to all meet in one spot at a certain time. :p

Probably should follow the lead of the people who have been doing this a while and schedule a gathering after show hours, once the toy store closes and choices are limited. Those of you not staying overnight, will always find RV people and planes at three places: Van's Tent, the flight line and home built camping. The volunteers at home built camping put on a steak dinner, (I think it was Sat night) that was well attended and the majority were RV People. The mess hall (were they have beer and live music) is a popular gathering area after hours and would be a good place that has seating and all the amenities.

Flyrod are you going tobe there, are you still at sea? I think your beer hall suggestion is the best.
RV-9 & Cub
I agree with the after hours get together. It is a chance to decompress and relax after the crowds have gone and the vendors close up. (sunset, lawn chair, beverage, field of airplanes, ahhhh...) That is the inspiration for my original idea. (see #2)
Anyway, I'm up for what y'all decide.
Gerry, will you be doing the wagon tours again? Or, where will you be so I can come by say "hey"? I'll be with my son again this year.

I will be volunteering with my EAA Chapter doing the Flight line tours. Look foward to seeing you and son. I will be driving RV (not airplane) and pulling Wrangler down Sunday. Look me up, bought a case of beer at Walmart today. I will be looking for CATALINA.
Cub and Nine staying home.
Rocket guys meet after the airshow at the beer joint (margaritaville or whatever it's called)

You can easily identify a Rocket driver as most are well lubricated, hair blown off, and yelling about something.....



You also don't have to ask if he is a Rocket driver as I am sure he will tell you.:rolleyes:
I plan on attending


Feet on dry land and I plan on attending and camping in homebuilt camping. We will have to get together for a beer. I plan on coming down on Thursday. I hope everything dries out soon. I will swing by the beer hall after hours and see if I can find the Rocket scientist and other RV types.
SNF update and RV12 pix

Thursday, after the 10:00am Vans RV Maintenance event.
Let's have them announce a VAF gathering outside the tent.

Hi guys, not sure whether anybody was able to get together after Van's maint forum.

I didn't get in till about 10:45. We had fog in the morning and by the time I got out, I was held in a holding pattern at Lake Parker due to heavy incoming traffic. Had a great time.

Flew in Wednesday as well. More people attended today probably due to the arrival of the TBirds. No issues with mud. I parked in the HB-HomeBuilt area.

The Thunderbirds had a short show, about 20 mins and then a practice session. They are awsome. I used to see them at AviationNation while living in Vegas

Here's some pix of the RV12. They did a great job. This will be a big seller.
There were always people around it as well as Van's spot.
Sorry about the image quality as they were from my iPhone.
