
Well Known Member
A couple of months ago, in anticipation of my 25th wedding anniversary Mediterranean cruise last month, I went shopping for a new VAF hat so that I could post some sighting pictures here. As we all know, you just can?t order them anymore and I didn?t want to take the time to chase down a local place to make a custom hat.

As luck would have it, I flew my RV up to the Arlington Fly In back in July and Van?s was selling Van?s Air Force hats! I quickly bought one thinking that my search was over. Well, I found out just before I went on my trip that the hat I bought at Van?s wasn?t the ?right? VAF hat to post in the VAF hat sighting section of VAF! The main reason for going on this trip was to be able to post some pictures!! ;)

Thinking quickly, I packed an old VAF shirt to take on the trip. So, the following are my VAF shirt sightings, along with my incorrect VAF hat. So, instead of having a photo at every stop along the way (Pisa, Coliseum, Florence, Venice, etc.) I only have photos from two of the stops.

We started our trip in London and just happened to arrive there on the same day that we got married 25 years ago. Who knew?

Here my wonderful wife, Melissa, and I in the Tower of London with the Tower Bridge behind us. :

We rode the ?Tube? a bit to get around town. I?ve ridden the underground in Paris and Moscow as well and let me tell you, having the signs in English sure helped a lot!:

In front of Royal Albert Hall:

We washed clothes on the ship and the next opportunity I had for the VAF shirt was in Pompeii. This place was so interesting! I really want to go back some day and explore more. I?ve read that Vesuvius is due for another big one so I better do that sooner than later before Pompeii II occurs.

Main Street, downtown Pompeii:

Mount Vesuvius in the background. She's gonna blow!!! Seriously, she really is going to blow. An eruption is way overdue and they are thinking the next one could be similar to the one on August 24th, 79.:

The wife and I:

We had a blast. It was the trip of a lifetime. I have to say though, I'm suffering a bit from RV withdrawal. It's been WEEKS since I last flew mine. Maybe this weekend.
I just missed you at Pompeii!

I had my vans hat on at the summit of two volcanos inside a week, Vesuvius and Etna. On Etna I had to hold on to it pretty hard as I swear it was blowing 100kts up there :mad: