
Well Known Member
Good morning all.

What does the group think about a get together at Oshkosh.

It might be fun to put some names and faces together.

It might also be fun to get a group photo taken, with an RV-12 in the background.

Some meeting place sugestions:

Van's booth at a set time
One of the lunch spots at a set time
Someone's airplane that will be at a known location at a set time.
After one of the Van's fourms.

Anyone interested?

If so I will put together a list of VAF name, real name, hometown and airplane status.

I will be at Oshkost Monday thru Friday afternoon, overnighting in Green Bay.

Hope so see some of you there.
I am all for it. Had a heck of a time finding RV12 people last year, Joe Gores was the only one and that was a chance meeting. Too much to ask, but it would have been far nicer for me if the 12s had all been parked together.
Sounds Good!

We are in. :p Coming in as a flight of 4 arriving July 22, Sunday, late in the afternoon. After we park I can update my blog (That I will be starting on the the form that same Sunday) with our parking location. We can meet there at some designated time for the Picture if you want. Make the time earlier in the week as people start to bug out on Wednesday. We will be there the whole week from Sunday to Sunday. We will be staying in the Dorms.:)
Count me in if I can get away from the tent for awhile. Sure like to mix it up with you guys and get some faces to attach to names.
I plan to be there - Please post the where and when and I'll look forward to meeting some of you.
Out of consideration for some of us old beat up guys that have to use an electric cart to go the distance, lets consider it on a paved area nearer the center of activities. When those rental carts get in the grass, the battery useful endurance goes waaaay down in a hurry.
Do we have to have our -12 flying or can they be like mine and newly under construction? But we will be at Oshkosh for the whole week.
Curt Anderson
Salem, OR
Count me in :)

It would be great to meet most of the guys I talk to on the form.

Look forward to it. Name the time and day!
You guys would all be welcome at the forum on Tuesday morning. That might be a good place to plan what you want to do. You would get to meet over two dozen RV-12 builders, many of them to young to drive. It is bldg 7, the Honda Pavilion, at 8:30.

Good morning all.

What does the group think about a get together at Oshkosh.

It might be fun to put some names and faces together.

It might also be fun to get a group photo taken, with an RV-12 in the background.

Some meeting place sugestions:

Van's booth at a set time
One of the lunch spots at a set time
Someone's airplane that will be at a known location at a set time.
After one of the Van's fourms.

Anyone interested?

If so I will put together a list of VAF name, real name, hometown and airplane status.

I will be at Oshkost Monday thru Friday afternoon, overnighting in Green Bay.

Hope so see some of you there.

Name the place and time. I'll be there. --Jerre
RV12 Gathering-OSH

I'm a builder and about 3/4 done. I'll be at OSH Monday through Friday and would be delighted to get together with other builders.

Ken Yoskowitz
Paradise, Ca.
Hmmmm.... Got me thinking. How about a forum entitled "Van's RV-12 Builder's Forum"? Is it too late to get a slot for such a thing?
Oshkosh Mon & Tues

I would enjoy meeting others that have built or are building a 12.
I am building a 12 but work 6 days so it is very slow going.

Please let me know when and where

You get my vote for this meeting time and place.
You guys would all be welcome at the forum on Tuesday morning. That might be a good place to plan what you want to do. You would get to meet over two dozen RV-12 builders, many of them to young to drive. It is bldg 7, the Honda Pavilion, at 8:30.

"Sweetie" and I will be there! Great idea. Coming up in a squadron from the South.
Bill Hollifield
Can I attend? I'm the guy doing the wet wings. On second thought, I've been told that I'm going to die just for considering I probably won't be there....but if I survive, I'd love to meet some of you guys! ;)
I am planning on flying up on Sunday weather permitting. Will try to link up with all. Suggest someone willing collect names and periodically update info on
meeting locations and times, and send emails to all named in group.
Dick Seiders
We plan to fly in Sunday if all goes well.
We would enjoy meeting others and sharing.

By the way N495BA with the Ul Power 260iS received the pink slip today.
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Coming to Oshkosh..

Hi everyone, I am coming to Osh from Queensland, Australia. I have been reading the trials & tribulations of you guys who are building RV12s for a while now,& I am teetering on the edge of making the decision to build one. It would be great to meet some of you, so I will be at the Honda pavilion on Tuesday morning. I will also leave a message on the Australian board in the International Tent... Cheers, DEAN WALLACE...
RV-12 Builders Meeting - Time and Place

OK Boys and Girls,

Meeting Date: Tuesday 7/24/2012

Meeting Time: 10:00 am (after the RV teen Flight Forum)

Meeting Place: Van's Booth (on a paved road, easy to find)

We can meet, talk awhile and do a photo shoot with the factory RV-12.

Maybe then we can do a walking tour of the RV-12's at the show.

I will put togeather a list of RV-12 attendees at Airventure 2012
If you want to be included in the list please send me an E-mail at

[email protected]

with the following information:

VAF name
Real Name
Cell Number
RV-12 serial number
RV-12 status, builders, wanabees always welcome

Hope this works for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Hey, wait a minute. Isn't Tuesday at 10 the tribute to Van at the Theater in the Woods? That would be a big conflict! How about AFTER the Theater in the Woods program, at the Theater?
RV-12 Builders Meeting - Time and Place

Strike one.

Thanks Big John. Don't know how I missed that.

Let's try again:

Meeting Date: Monday 7/23/2012

Meeting Time: 1:30 pm

Meeting Place: Van's Booth

We can still plan to visit some finished RV-12's

Early afternoon is usually my nap time, but I'll try to manage.
Hi everyone, I am coming to Osh from Queensland, Australia. I have been reading the trials & tribulations of you guys who are building RV12s for a while now,& I am teetering on the edge of making the decision to build one. It would be great to meet some of you, so I will be at the Honda pavilion on Tuesday morning. I will also leave a message on the Australian board in the International Tent... Cheers, DEAN WALLACE...

Hi Dean, I will also be at OSH again this year, with a another fellow 12 builder. Look forward to seeing you at the booth .... We will have you building in no time mate!
Won't be there till


I am riding with an RV9 buddy for his first time flying his RV into Oshkosh and we are planning a Thursday arrival. I will just look for the 12's owners as I check things out the remainder of the week.

OK - -

Monday - - 1:30 - - Van's booth. Likely be there.

John Bender
406.9 hours as of today.
Serial 36
Strike one.

Thanks Big John. Don't know how I missed that.

Let's try again:

Meeting Date: Monday 7/23/2012

Meeting Time: 1:30 pm

Meeting Place: Van's Booth

We can still plan to visit some finished RV-12's

Early afternoon is usually my nap time, but I'll try to manage.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday. We have 29 on the list and several more not on the list that will be there. If you are an RV-12 flyer, builder or just wannabe, just show up. It will be fun to put some names and faces together.

Hopefully those with finished airplanes at the show will invite us to look at their RV-12's after we take a photo.

Everyone travel safely, including the drive to the airport.
Looking forward to meeting fellow RV-12 builders

Typically I arrive at the show later in the week ? however, this year I?ll be attending the show the early part of the week so I'll be there Monday and able to meet everyone.

I?m at the front end of my build and looking forward to meeting all of you fellow builders.

See you Monday afternoon.

John Grznar
Canton, Ohio
RV-12 serial #120644
N789JG (reserved)
Look forward to meeting everyone in person!

Get-togethers like this one is what the EAA should be about. It is great to be part of the Van's family and VAF

Save journey and see everyone on Monday. :)
Confused about this RV-12 Meeting

Is it MONDAY or TUESDAY at 1:30. (Schedule on home page shows Tuesday, but I see a lot of messages about Monday on here) ???
It's Monday.

The first proposed time on Tuesday was at the same time as the tribute to Vans.

So it's Monday at 1:30 pm at Van's booth.

See everyone there.