
Hey everyone, new to the group here. Recently got in touch with a friend that?s building a 9A. I?m very intreged with the 9 and would like to take on a build one of these days. I live in the Hudson Valley in NY and was wondering if there is anyone close by with a 9/9A I could possibly look at or score a ride (gladly pay for fuel).
Welcome Artie! Right choice on the model. It can do everything other models do plus more. A good friend of mine has an RV9 in the paint shop it is a beauty coming out I will tell him you want a ride. :)

Couple years ago I would offer a ride in mine but I don't want to discourage you on first flight. It's a old airplane now and it looks that way. Extremely high AF/E total time :)

Just look at everything that Vlad does in the 9 and you will realize it is a very capable machine. He is quite possibly the best ambassador for what RV's are capable of and a constant inspiration. Take the time to search the stories of his adventures here.

Although he might just be topped by John Koehler who recently flew around the world in his
Thanks guys, Vlad if it gets the wheels off the ground it?s good to me. Looking shiny and spotless is just a bonus in my opinion. Appreciate you trying to hook up a walk around and or flight. That would be great!!