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doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Please excuse this commercial, but there are less than three days left in 2017. If you haven’t sent in your 2017 honor system donation and would like to do so here at the end with a credit card, here’s your reminder. If you didn’t know, the VAF website is my full time job and how I do food, shelter and clothing.

In 2017 I made the conscience decision to not pester people about the donations once a month like I did in 2016. I wanted VAF to be less intrusive than most other web sites that bombard readers with things to click on before getting to the content. I had this idea of it being like a daily newspaper you pick up in your driveway - something you just open up and enjoy without interruption. Maybe one of the only things in your day like that.

I may have screwed up with that approach. My rough estimate here at the end of the year has me taking around a 14% pay cut over 2016. There were 2,455 donators in 2016….this year we’re at roughly 2,100. About $40K after taxes. Donations historically determine if we end the year in the red or black. The ads keep the lights on the servers and house, the donations pay for insurance and food.

If you haven’t donated in ’17 and would like to, the info is at:

I'll have the final 2017 tally done around the first week of 2018.

Sorry for the commercial and THANK YOU to those who help keep it going,

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Hello again and apologies in advance for this commercial.

There are about 36 hours or so left in 2017 if you would like to get that 2017 honor system donation in under the wire using a credit card. ;^)

Info at:

A couple of folks suggested that I remind readers of the site about the donation model on a quarterly basis in 2018. I think I’ll do that (the monthly reminder seems a little too often for my tastes).

Again, sorry for the commercial and THANK YOU if you help support this site with your donation.

Warmest regards,
Doug (and family)​
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